<<Tang Jia San works

Chapter 329: Mech or Power Armor?


scent lingering. 。Taking a deep breath, the ancient eastern wind surged through him. At this moment, he felt his whole body light and invigorated. 。The fulfillment of a long-held dream in one fell sw...This semester, each of you has a mission: to build your own mecha. 。Story wxs. The following is the announcement of the implementation team's group names 。The first group, Tang Wulin, Gu Yue, Luo Gui Xing, and Wu Si Duo 。""" The first group consists of four class representatives. """ 。Tang Wulin looked at Wu Changkong in surprise. The others were divided into seven groups, and the four of them were the eighth group The subsequent announcement of the grouping situation was exactly what they had arranged yesterday. Others were divided into seven small groups, each with more than ten people, which relatively achieved an average of strength. 。The mechs you build should be suitable for your own use. As for how and what to do, that's the direction you need to work hard on yourselves. 。

You can check the details at the library. I'll just explain the basic knowledge.

。Must be completed before the end of the term. Any group will have points deducted if any member has not completed it. 。You're all aware of the results of the final exam. If one team member's mecha isn't completed, the entire team is eliminated and we're out of the academy. 。"And you guys better not be thinking about cutting corners either. 。In the second semester, you will begin learning to operate standard mechs. Slake Academy cultivates well-rounded individuals, and the final exam is a mech competition for the entire class. 。At that time, the bottom ten students will be eliminated. 。"The words spoken by the dance captain were icy cold, and pressure weighed heavily on every student's heart. 。Even if you are incredibly talented on your own,

you can't build a mech without the cooperation of others.

That is to say, this is not something that one person can control. To make a good mecha, it takes teamwork and cooperation. 。This is the most difficult part. 。Now, I'll give you 30 minutes to discuss in groups. 。Your time is limited. 。The end-of-term exam also includes a team competition, where each group can select the four strongest mechs to participate in the team battle. 。The specific competition rules will be announced later. 。"" Slay's teaching methods are clearly very different from how his students previously learned at other academies. 。Here, learning is free and emphasizes student initiative. You can choose not to study or even play around; no one will stop you. However, if you fail the final exam, you'll have to leave. 。Students who can get into Shrek's Academy, who would want to be eliminated If you don't want to be eliminated, you have to work hard. 。The last ten will leave the academy, that's the rule, which means that 10% of people will be eliminated inevitably. No one wants to be the one who is eliminated! Especially those with weaker abilities, naturally feel that Alexander... 。Tang Wulin was about to start discussing with the three people in his group when he suddenly felt a gaze fixed on him. He turned his head and saw Xu Xiaoyan's pitiful face. 。From Xu Xiaoyan's eyes, he saw worry. 。Looking at their overall strength, out of the four members in their original zero class, Xu Xiaoyan was the weakest. 。Xu Xiaoyan's personal combat effectiveness is indeed weak. She excels at seizing opportunities, but in a one-on-one fight, any person present could defeat her, even at night. 。Though Astral-type Soul Techniques are absolutely effective, once used, the caster becomes immobile. 。lacks the ability to sustain an attack 。Tang Wulin stood up and walked to Xu Xiaoyan's side, "Worried" 。Tang Wulin comforted: “Don’t think about it so much. Your most urgent task now is to break through to level 30 as soon as possible. After reaching level 30, soul masters will undergo a qualitative change. Based on your strength at that time, we will help you determine the direction of mecha manufacturing.” 。Mechs are just a stepping stone for us, our ultimate goal is still Powered Armor. 。You will definitely pass the final exam. 。"Well, well, I'm trying 。Xu Xiaoyan nodded vigorously. 。Tang Wulin then returned to his own group, looking at Gu Yue, Luo Gui Xing, and Wu Si Duo. 。Our team is actually the simplest, we four are different sub-professions, I'm in charge of forging, Gu Yue designs, Luo Gui Xing produces, and Wu Si Duo repairs 。The division of labor is like this, but we now need to decide on a few things. 。First, what kind of mech suit is suitable for oneself, second, choosing the material for the mech suit production. 。We'll each buy the rare metals individually, and then Gu Yue will design a unified plan based on our respective needs. I'll be the one to forge them. 。I can guarantee that every piece of rare metal is forged once. 。"Every piece" Luo Gui Xing's eyes showed surprise. "What's the success rate"Tang Wulin gave him a glance and smiled slightly. "One hundred percent" 。" If it were in the past, he might not have dared to boast about this mouth, but after completing that spirit forging, he had entered the realm of a fifth-level blacksmith. A thousand forgings make one excellent is absolutely no problem. Don't forget, his silver hammer has also evolved to the spirit forging level, so forging it becomes much more at ease 。Wu Sidu couldn't help but be slightly moved. A thousand refinements into one, this was already the quality used to make battle armor. 。To use this for a mecha would be extremely extravagant. 。If that were possible, then their mechs would have a significant advantage in quality itself. 。"Just make the armor directly." 。We don't need mechas. 。Gu Yue's words left Wu Si Duo and Luo Gui Xing dumbfounded once again. 。Gu Yue said: “Qian Dan is the foundation of Dou Yi, and Qian Dan Yipin is actually close to Ling Dan in quality. The metal itself has a certain potential for life, so it is actually possible to make a Zi Dou Yi.” 。We are the class representatives, so naturally we have to do better than others. 。I don't think learning to operate mechs is worthwhile, it's a waste of time. We are destined to become Armored Warriors in the future. 。I am a fourth-level designer. If you believe in me, I have a 70% chance of designing a one-word battle armor. Perhaps it won't be particularly strong; it could only be the foundation of a one-word battle armor, and it may not be much better than a mech suit. 。But you all understand the meaning. 。Tang Wulin was also taken aback, but he had to admit that Gu Yue made sense. 。Since he learned about the existence of Dou Kwai and saw it afterward, he had a strong impulse in his heart. 。Becoming a doukui master is something they all aspire to. If they could reach that level sooner, even just a single-character doukui, this experience would undoubtedly provide them with more experience for future production of two-character doukuis. 。"Will we make it in time" Luo Gui Xing's smile vanished, and she spoke in a hushed voice. 。Gu Yue said, "When I finish the design, you should start making it. I'll be designing while you make it." 。But if you are alone, it will definitely be too rushed. 。"

Doujia is unlike mecha. Mecha is divided into several large parts, and can be roughly produced. As long as the internal core formation is fine, the mecha can generally be used normally. " 。But Dou Gui doesn't work. Dou Gui is essentially a part of the Soul Master's body, even a single character Dou Gui is the same. 。The Doujia is divided into many parts, and each part has a unique core formation. Moreover, this core formation must also be compatible with the Soul Master themselves. Designing it is exponentially more complex than designing a mecha. 。The difficulty of making it is incomparable. 。Luo Gui Xing frowned, and said: “I’m a level 3 mecha manufacturing engineer. To be honest, I barely make it with fighter mechas, let alone something like a battle suit. ” 。If I were to guarantee a success rate, I probably wouldn't be able to complete even one set in an entire semester. 。"

Wu Sidi said, “I agree with Gu Yue’s opinion, and I am also willing to try making battle armor.” >>> 。The teacher didn't say we had to finish the whole mech. Even if other students drove complete mechs, and we only had partial armor, are we afraid of them A single-character battle armor requires a five-ring soul master to operate, but we are not ordinary soul masters. 。We can't control a full set of fighting armor yet, but we've already succeeded in making parts of it that attach to the body. 。I can help you with mecha design. 。We only do premium products. 。If one semester can't finish it, then two semesters. If I'm not mistaken, in our third academic year, we will start learning how to make armor. 。The basic requirements for graduation from sixth grade are to become a proficient warrior. 。We can begin right now and lay the foundation for entering the inner courtyard. 。"

Luo Gui Xing looked at Tang Wulin and said, "Squad leader, what do you think"

Tang Wulin said, "This matter is risky" 。" Wu Sidu frowned, Gu Yue looked at him intently, and Luo Gui Xing nodded slightly. 。There are indeed risks! The teacher asked them to build mecha, so they bravely started trying to make battle armor. 。It's good if it goes well, but if it fails or if too few parts of the armor are made, the final exam might be tough. 。But if successful, the gains are greater. 。I believe that the process of making armor is the best training for our secondary occupations. 。So, I'm willing to give it a try. 。Tang Wulin's eyes glittered, his fists clenched tightly, his fighting spirit soaring. 。When has he ever been afraid of a challenge --------------------------------------- Vote for me, recommend me. 。To be continued... 。The first line of this message says: "It's a shame to see you go."The second line gives you a phone number: 420/2205503 。 Dragons roared again, this time affecting all the Soul Guidance Detection Systems covering one side of the battlefield. From the command center's perspective, their perception of that direction had b...