<<Tang Jia San works

Chapter 682: Return to the Pasture


were not inferior to Gu Yue, and that since she was also a companion of Tang Wulin, she still had a good chance.This piece of music is clearly intended to be upbeat. Sima Lanxiao arranged it this way;...A genius remembers 'Love ♂ Go ÷ Novel → Net' in one second, providing you with wonderful novel reading

Gasps echoed throughout the Starlight Stadium. 。In the war zone, almost everyone from Shrek's Academy rushed out at the first opportunity. 。Even Dai Yun'er couldn't help but cover her small mouth, her eyes full of shock. 。Long Fenzhi, this is Long Fenzhi!With this kick, the audience saw blood splashing everywhere. Such a heavy stomp, even steel would probably be deformed!Long Fenzhi didn't seem satisfied. His right foot followed up again and landed heavily on Tang Wulin once more. 。Just then, a figure suddenly dashed towards the competition stage. 。When he rushed to the Soul Conduit Shield, a red light flashed, and the Soul Conduit Shield was unexpectedly broken open with a gap. 。Just as Long Ye's right foot was about to land on Tang Wulin for the second time, the figure slammed into Long Ye with all its might. 。To everyone's astonishment, Long leaped backward with his immense body, being struck and flung to the other end of the competition stage. 。On the podium, Enci swayed her body and in the next instant, she appeared on the competition stage, blocking the flying Dragon Leap. 。Who dares to disrupt the peace in Xing Luo City 。His hands were clasped behind his back, yet an overwhelming aura emanated from him, potent and powerful. In that instant, the soul-guidance shields on the entire competition stage shattered instantly. 。The man hovered in mid-air, coldly looking at Mercy. In his right hand, he held a three-meter-long heavy sword, the entire sword was blood red. His skin was an eerie dark gold color, just staring coldly at Mercy. 。In terms of momentum, it was not at all inferior. 。With a start of surprise in her heart, on the Star Luo Continent, he was the rightful number one, a Title Douluo at level ninety-eight, an absolute powerhouse. However, facing him now, this person’s aura didn’t fall behind in the slightest. 。This is about the repair for the "and wait"

Master Cai flew out when his first foot landed on Longyue, but this person arrived before him, so at this moment Master Cai had already reached the competition platform, right behind that person. >>> 。It wasn't anyone else, but the very person himself, Master Muye of the Ben Ti Zong! At this time, everyone from the Shrek Academy had rushed to the surrounding area of the competition stage, but the aura on the stage was simply too terrifying, so much so that it pressured them and they couldn't get close at all. 。The ancient moon's hands were trembling, even her lips trembled. 。When the dragon landed with one foot, she felt as if something in her heart had shattered at that moment. 。"Roar—" In the distance, the dragon rose from the ground. His eyes had completely turned crimson red, and he frantically charged towards Makino. 。His aura was becoming increasingly powerful, and the Soul Ring in the fourth position was about to shine brightly. 。"Enough!" Enci struck out with a palm, and a golden light descended from the sky, enveloping Long Yue as if in shackles, leaving him unable to move. 。"Is this a competition" Lao Cai's voice, laced with anger, rang out. 。With a look of apology, Enci said, "Long Yue's martial soul once its power is fully unleashed, there is a possibility that it cannot be controlled." 。And, in the individual competition, all participants sign a death pact. 。I'm so sorry, let me save people first. 。"Very good!" Mu Ye looked at him coldly. He only said these two words, his right hand flung out, and the red heavy sword in his hand transformed into a ray of red light that quietly vanished into thin air. He descended from the sky and landed beside Tang Wulin, placing his right hand on him for a quick check before carefully lifting him up. 。At this time, Tang Wulin could no longer be described as miserable. 。His armor had vanished completely, merging back into his body. His chest caved inward, as if his breastbone was shattered. Despite this, his golden scales remained, still shimmering faintly. 。Around him, blood splattered everywhere, his life hanging in the balance. 。Mukin lifted Tang Wulin into his arms, once again turned his head to look at the kind woman, and then transformed into a beam of light, vanishing in a flash. 。On the stage, Tang Bingyao, the leader of the Douluo Continent delegation, had already stood up and looked at Dai Tianling, "Your Majesty, I think I need an explanation." 。Knowing that Long Yue's martial soul was uncontrollable and he already had the upper hand, why didn't he stop him from delivering a killing blow I don't believe the referee is incapable of doing so. 。"

Dai Tianling's face was grim. He hadn't expected this to happen either, his brows furrowed tightly, "We will give your delegation an explanation for this matter. I didn't expect things to turn out like this either. The time was short just now, and we couldn't react in time. The Empire will provide the best medical care to treat player Tang Wulin." 。The audience did not cheer for the result of the match. It was clear to everyone that in the final moments, Long Yue had lost control. 。He is determined to kill Tang Wulin. This is no longer a competition, but a battle for life and death. 。No matter how powerful a country is, if it cannot control itself, it will not be fortunate. It is very likely to bring disaster, especially to ordinary people. 。So, they looked at Long Yue's eyes not like looking at a hero, but only with fear. 。"What do we do Where will that person take the captain" Xie Xun asked anxiously. 。He has a very close relationship with Tang Wulin. Among everyone, they were the earliest to know each other. Over the years, if it wasn't for Tang Wulin's help, he wouldn't have made it this far. 。Gu Yue's body was still trembling, two lines of tears uncontrollably flowing down her cheeks. At this moment, her heart was in utter chaos. 。"Don't panic, everyone. Since that person took the captain away, it means the captain is definitely not dead and still has a chance to be treated." 。It's unrealistic to blindly keep searching. 。Let's just go back to the hotel and wait. 。At this time, Ye Xinglan was still the more lucid one. 。Yuan En Ye Hui also nodded and said, "That's right, Wu Lin definitely won't have any problems." 。His fighting ability is so strong, he'll be fine. 。"Wow," Xu Xiaoyan cried out. 。No matter how they tried to explain it, they all clearly saw that Tang Wulin's body had been stomped into a collapse, and there was so much blood on the ground. 。The ancient moon was tightly closed, turning around and running. 。Others also hurried to follow her, running toward the exit. 。Lao Cai descended from the sky, her face shifting between gloom and uncertainty. At this moment, even she felt a sense of bewilderment. 。Have I done wrong To let these children face this alone, have I done wrong A figure flashed beside him, it was none other than Wu Changkong. 。

Cai Lao turned his head to look at him, and Wu Changkong's eyes were colder than usual. "Cai Lao, I don't care what place this is, or whether you're a member of some delegation..." 。If Tang Wulin died, I would definitely kill Long Ye. 。After uttering those words, he turned and left without a second glance. His figure shot forward like an arrow, his speed astonishingly swift. 。A truly amazing and exciting match came to an unexpected and shocking end, something no one had predicted. 。But at this point, everyone's mind was filled with only one question mark. 。Tang Wulin, is he still alive

On the stage, under Enci's control, Long Yue had gradually calmed down.

He was very clear about what had happened before, his face was grim, and he walked off the stage by himself. 。The audience's emotions were mixed. Although they had won, there weren't many people who were truly excited. 。"Teacher, once Long Yue uses all his soul power, he truly can't control himself" Dai Tianling asked En Ci. 。Mercy naturally understood what he meant, sighing, "I've been trying my best to help him control his emotions" 。But the problems brought by the Shanlong King's bloodline are difficult to solve. 。Now we can only take it one step at a time. 。I will be watching him, and if he cannot control his emotions, I will not let him leave the academy easily. 。" Oh, what a pity. " 。 。


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To be continued... 。For mobile users, please browse for a better reading experience. 。 This is a sample text. 420/2980641 。, Tang Wulin had already soared into the air. He did not release his martial soul because from the opponent's previous ability to transform into mist using their spirit ability, he could see that his...