<<Tang Jia San works

Chapter 784: Steadfast as a Mountain


e didn't seem to have any intention of rescuing anyone. She hadn't even prepared her air cannon for release. 。Xie Xie's figure was clumsy, his feet stumbling. The Ironback Bear Soul Master was already...I've never met Mu Xi.

In Tang Wulin's memory, Mu Xi was still in the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy and hadn't been admitted to the inner courtyard. 。She is now over twenty years old, and the possibility of entering the inner court is getting lower and lower. 。Unless she becomes a second-rate swordsman before she is thirty. 。As for Mu Xi, Tang Wulin found that he actually knew nothing about her. He had no idea what level her cultivation and other aspects had reached now. 。I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. 。"You still know I exist as your senior sister" Mu Xi crossed her arms and said coldly. 。It had been four whole years since she had last seen Mu Xi. Back then, she was already a beautiful young woman. This year, Mu Xi was almost 23 years old, the most beautiful time in a girl's life. 。Her figure had developed to perfection, so that as soon as she entered, the male members of the Shrek Seven Devils couldn't help but give her a salute. 。A fiery red dress, long wavy hair, beauty so intense, beauty so scorching. 。Just like her personality. 。Tang Wulin bitterly smiled and said, "I'm sorry, Senior Sister. I was wrong." 。"

Seeing Tang Wulin suddenly, Mu Xi's various complex emotions almost surged up instantly. She really wanted to rush over and scold this guy fiercely

" 。For over three years, there had been no word from him. After his return, he remained confined within the inner courtyard, never venturing out. She was unable to enter the inner courtyard and couldn't see him. 。The only time I ever saw him was at the Sea God's Pavilion matchmaking event. 。But she wasn't able to participate in the gathering on the lake surface. She could only stand on the shore, watching him court Gu Yue and watching them leave amidst blessings of a hundred years of happiness. 。At that moment, Mu Xi's heart was filled with extremely complex emotions. 。From the initial disdain upon first meeting, to later recognition, and then to gradual admiration, this fellow standing before me, in just a decade, has become a true standout among his peers, even a shining star at the esteemed Slytherin Academy. 。But the distance between him and her seemed to be growing wider and wider. 。In some ways, Mu Xi's thoughts align with Wu Si Duo's. They both strive for perfection and, once they have the best, are unwilling to consider anything else. 。With Mu Xi's appearance, she naturally had countless pursuers in Shrek Academy, even with inner courtyard disciples pursuing her. However, she never gave any of them a response because there was always that figure in her heart. 。She has always been chasing after him on the forging path, with a glimmer of hope in her heart. 。But she found that they were drifting further and further apart. 。Mu Xi wasn't just a girl who dreamed. When she saw Tang Wulin choose someone else at the Poseidon's Love Match, she already told herself in her heart that this man had nothing to do with her after all. However, just when she was gradually letting go, that fellow suddenly appeared before her. 。A single apology, a single admission of fault, unexpectedly made Mu Xi, who had a belly full of grievances, unable to vent. 。"Cough cough!" Mu Chen coughed, slightly easing the awkward atmosphere. 。As a father, how could he fail to see the thoughts in his daughter's heart But at this time, Tang Wulin was already soaring through the heavens like a newly awakened dragon. Love and emotions are not something that can be controlled by human will. 。I guess it's just not meant to be. 。Mu Chen had once secretly warned Mu Xi that her personality was too strong-willed, and Tang Wulin was definitely not someone who would willingly be controlled. 。They are all very competitive. Two competitive people together, maybe they can become friends, but it's too difficult to become partners. 。"Have Wu Lin come so I can test his forging cultivation level" 。You're just back, let's take a look together. 。Mu Chen walked to his daughter's side and patted her shoulder. 。Mu Xi's complex emotions gradually subsided. After all, she was a twenty-three-year-old woman. No matter how stubborn her personality, in front of so many people and her father, she had to restrain her emotions. 。 "Good" 。Tang Wulin was a little flustered under Mu Xi's rather fervent gaze, even the previous fatigue vanished in an instant. 。Mucen said, "Go to the forge!" Everyone followed Mucen to the forge. In his own private forge, he had almost all types of rare metals found on the Douluo Continent today. 。Mu Chen made a gesture to Tang Wulin. Tang Wulin, after a moment of thought, still walked towards the one he was most familiar with 。A standard-sized piece of silver was taken down by him. 。Then, it was placed on the anvil. 。Mu Xi raised her eyebrows, with a hint of sarcasm: "Just silver" Tang Wulin smiled, "I'm most familiar with this..." 。“Yes, he was most familiar with silver-white, not only because it was the first rare metal he dealt with, but also because he knew it too well. 。Tang Wulin's forging hammer has always been a silver hammer, and every time he made a breakthrough in forging, he chose silver. 。This includes his most intimate familiarity with Shen Yin, as well as a hint of his heartfelt entrustment. 。Every breakthrough comes from silver, making him subconsciously feel that silver brings him the greatest help and the best luck. 。So, he chose to sink silver again. 。Mu Xi didn't say anything more, but instead looked carefully at >>> 。Over the years, she has worked very hard. If it weren't for Tang Wulin, she would definitely be an unparalleled genius in the blacksmithing association. 。At the age of twenty-three, she was recognized by Mu Chen as fully capable of inheriting his mantle. 。Level 6! Mu Xi is already a level 6 blacksmith now. 。Although she entered Level Six a bit later than Tang Wulin, it wasn't by much. 。If she hadn't focused so much on forging, she wouldn't have even had a chance to enter the inner courtyard. 。But the forging enhancement also brings her tremendous benefits. She has prepared all the metals needed for making her second-word battle armor, Spirit Forging Metal! And it's even Spirit Forging Alloy. 。That is to prepare for a great explosion, before the age of thirty one must become a two-word fighting armor master, becoming a member of the inner courtyard of the Shrek Academy. 。Mu Xi's cultivation level had also broken through the five rings, reaching the Soul King realm. 。From all angles, she is so excellent. 。She is very confident in her own efforts, so she wants to see if after training for so long and being apart for four years, she has caught up with him in terms of forging. 。Tang Wulin put the silver into the forging platform and heated it, while simultaneously taking out his own pair of spirit-forged silver hammers. His expression was solemn, his eyes closed, and he silently concentrated. 。Looking at his serious expression, Mu Xi, although she had been holding back her anger in her heart, couldn't help but admit that Tang Wulin was indeed her biggest competitor in the forging world, even a goal she pursued. 。He has been a Level Six blacksmith for over four years, but he can still maintain such calmness and composure when forging. 。He was only nineteen, his mental state so stable it reminded her of seeing her father while he was forging. 。 Unmoved like a mountain! Towering like a great peak! Mu Chen was also watching from the side. The other six members of the Shrek Seven Monsters stood a little further away, so as not to affect Tang Wulin's 。Tang Wulin's forging hammer lay on the anvil, his hands hanging by his sides. His long arms and slender fingers gave him an unusual feel. 。Full of texture, imbued with an indescribable aura. 。At this moment, his breath seemed to have become part of the forge itself, rather than that of a human. 。The forging time of the silver was too easy to judge. Suddenly, Tang Wulin pressed a button, and the silver, which had been heated red hot, rose up. 。Tang Wulin almost opened his eyes the next instant, grabbing both of his forging hammers with both hands. 。Then a pair of forging hammers emerged simultaneously. 。Yes, it's probing rather than swinging and smashing. 。Mu Xi was surprised to see Tang Wulin extend a forging hammer flat above the chunk of silver and then begin hammering. 。He didn't swing the hammer with all his might like in a normal forging, but instead kept both hammers suspended above the silver. He only used wrist movements to control the two hammers, gently tapping them against the piece of silver repeatedly. 。This forging method Mu Xi was seeing for the first time, even her eighth-rank saint-level blacksmith father wouldn't forge like this! But Tang Wulin just did it that way. 。His pair of forge hammers, light yet steady, gently tapped

But in this way, can it be forged successfully

This thought just emerged in Mu Xi's mind, the next moment, her eyes froze. 。Because she could clearly see that the piece of silver was shrinking rapidly under Tang Wulin's seemingly light blows. 。What's even more peculiar is that it's becoming increasingly brighter. 。Vaguely, Mu Xi even saw some fine and orderly lines appearing on the piece of silver. 。This... Such a light tap could actually refineTang Wulin's wrist trembled at an extremely fast speed, so the tapping brought a series of dense sounds like raindrops hitting banana leaves. 。More peculiarly, the dense hammering had a distinct rhythm, like the beat of a percussion instrument. 。To be continued... 。) 420/5751813 。e top 16, their skills are truly outstanding. 。These years have flashed by in the blink of an eye, and the shockwaves beside me have already arrived. 。The lateral force caused Tang Wulin's mecha to b...