<<Tang Jia San works

Chapter 808: Boarding


forming a giant sword a hundred zhang long that hung across the sky. At the same time, streams of silver liquid surged from his pores and quickly transformed into armor, completely encasing him." 。...As modern fighter jets advance with rapid development, they are moving towards a direction of fewer personnel. With the development of soul-guiding intelligence, it is said that the next generation of fighter jets will only need two people to complete all the operations currently performed by four people. 。Luffy checked his flight suit. As an ordinary person, to withstand the impact of a jet fighter's high-speed flight on his body, he needed full-body protection from his flight suit and helmet, with no loopholes whatsoever. 。He has always been a meticulous person, which is also an important reason why he became a top pilot. 。"Captain!" Three crew members dressed in the same uniform walked in from outside, they were his other three companions. 。Luffy's face broke into a slight smile as he greeted them. 。Suddenly, the hand he was waving froze mid-air. He was startled to see a figure descending from the sky. In a flash, his three companions slowly slumped to the ground. 。"Enemy attack!" Luffy reacted instantly, but just as he was about to open his mouth and shout... 。Suddenly, the world went black, and he slowly collapsed to the ground. 。“Scout!” a low voice boomed. 。Several figures surged from the surroundings, swiftly checking their environment. They concealed themselves in the dark corners, making sure not to expose themselves. 。Since the flight mission was about to begin, the warehouse doors were already open, and you could see inside from outside. 。Four crew members were quickly dragged to a corner. 。In the distance, a few people each gave a thumbs up to the person who had made the sound. 。"Boarding, farewell!" Tang Wulin waved to Xie Xie. 。Xie Xie touched Luffy's body, taking a controller with a round button and removing his helmet to put it on himself. 。Toward the sky, the seventeen fighter jets of Sky Squadron pressed down on the buttons in their hands. Suddenly, the hatches on top of the planes slowly opened. 。Yes, the one who attacked this crew member was indeed the Seven Devils of Shrek. 。They certainly wouldn't kill them, they just knocked Luffy and his four companions unconscious. 。At this time, every member of the Seven Devils of Shrek had a look of tension and excitement on their faces. 。This is a ‘borrowed’ plane! And, none of them have ever ridden in a fighter jet. 。This is serious business. 。From this moment on, they have committed an illegal act. 。Of course, as long as they could break out, they believed that the academy would have already solved everything for them behind them. After all, this was the academy's order, and there was nothing uneasy in their hearts. 。Xie Xie was the first to scramble onto the plane and take the pilot's seat. 。Ye Xinglan also scrambled up and sat in the passenger seat next to him. 。Every single position was planned in advance. 。Tang Wulin jumped onto the plane's wings, a Blue Silver Emperor whip shot out, winding around Xu Lizhi's body, pulling him upwards. With his strength, he directly flung Xu Lizhi into the cockpit, and at almost the same time, Xu Xiaoyan was also sent into the cockpit by Le Zhengyu. 。Xie Xie controlled the airplane controls with both hands swiftly, "Boss, do we need fingerprint and iris recognition" 。Tang Wulin flicked his wrist, sending a blue silver grass flying out. It wrapped around Luffy in the corner below, and with another shake of his wrist, the blue silver grass launched Luffy into the air, just like an aerial performer. 。Another strand of Silvergrass shot out, winding around his body in mid-air. It was pulled horizontally, and the next moment, he fell into Tang Wulin's grasp. 。Tang Wulin carried Luffy, leaped onto the slender bow, and handed Luffy to Xie Xie. 。Xie Xie took Luffy's finger and then held his head, performing fingerprint and iris identification. 。"Beep, beep, beep!" Accompanied by three electronic sounds, the instrument lights in the cockpit lit up, and various indicator lights began to display the current status of the aircraft. 。Xie Xie cheered, "It's done!" 。Tang Wulin flicked his wrist, the Blue Silver Emperor straightened, sending Luffy back to the ground. 。"Hurry up and test, start" 。We still have one minute of opportunity according to the formal departure time. 。One minute later, it's time to confirm the time. 。After these days of observation, everything is already under their control. 。The entire plan is precise down to the second. 。 Xie Xian quickly twisted the buttons with both hands, while making an "OK" gesture to Tang Wulin. 。Tang Wulin leaped to his feet and landed back in the cockpit, near the rear of the aircraft, just ahead of the tail fin. "Zheng Yu, Yuan En, get into position." 。" And currently, Yuhwa and Jeong-woo are on the wings of either side. " Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!。The plane can only accommodate four people inside, it's impossible to squeeze any more in, it can only fly in a special way. 。Wisps of azure-silver energy spread from Tang Wulin's body, extending along his fuselage to his side wings. At the same time, the cockpit cover slowly descended, enveloping the four people inside. 。 Ye Hunyehui and Le Zhengyu respectively prostrated themselves on the two wings, then allowed Lan Yincao to wrap themselves with the wings. Tang Wulin did the same, but his position was a little behind the cockpit cover, which could be said to be in command of the center, feeling quite like riding an airplane. 。Lan Yincao firmly fixed the bodies of the three people to the plane. Tang Wulin raised his hand and lightly tapped the plane three times. 。Once the hatch is closed, sound can no longer pass through. Communication is limited to knocking on the hatch and hand signals only. 。Xu Xiaoyan, sitting in the back row of the cockpit, was specifically responsible for observing Tang Wulin's commands. 。"My friends, we are about to take off! It's our maiden voyage! I'm so excited!" 。"Be careful, Yuan'en is still on the wing!" Ye Xinglan reminded him coldly. 。"Don't worry, I know. " 。" Tang Wulin, Le Zhengyu, and Yuan Enhui were obviously quite careful when they were outside. Tang Wulin had the strongest physical strength among them, and as the captain, he always took charge of the most dangerous places. 。Yuan En Ye Hui and Le Zheng Yu both originally have wings and can fly. At critical moments, even if they separate from an airplane in the sky, their survival abilities are enough to keep them alive. 。So they were naturally the best choice outside the cabin. 。Xie Xie, looking just like a pilot, controlled the plane. "Ignite!" he shouted himself and pressed down on a red button. 。Suddenly, Tianxiang XVII shuddered violently, followed by a piercing whine. The rear turbojet nozzles began to spin at high speed, with powerful airflow gradually gushing out from within, propelling the aircraft forward at a slow crawl. 。"Tian Jiu, Tian Jiu, why did you light the fuse early Please answer. " 。At that moment, a frantic voice came through Xie Xian's earpiece. 。He immediately lowered his voice and replied, “There were some small claps. The repairmen let me try a fire test.” 。"Why didn't you report the fault first There's an error in your process. 。A serious voice came from the earphones. 。"Sorry, my process was wrong. 。"Xie Xian said" 。"I now command you to immediately shut down your engines and await further instructions." 。"

"Yes!" Xie Xian replied on his lips, while Tianxiang Seventeen had already slowly emerged from the maintenance hangar under his control. 。Xie Xie's driving was undoubtedly unfamiliar, but the plane itself was extremely heavy, and Xie Xie had been observing Luffy operate for so many days. The most basic control would not be wrong. 。After sliding out of the hangar, he needs to control the plane forward for about three hundred meters, and then turn right, in order to reach the runway for takeoff. 。"Tian Jiu, Tian Jiu, what are you doing Why did you leave the cockpit" 。“An angry voice came from the earphones once again.” 。Xie Xie suddenly raised his voice, exclaiming in terror: "Control system malfunction, control system malfunction, requesting support, requesting support" 。His voice was so lifelike that even Ye Xinglan couldn't help but look sideways, because at this time, it sounded completely different from Xie Xian's usual voice. 。Please vote for this story and recommend it! 。To be continued 。) 420/5944344 。eeds absolutely trustworthy and powerful partners. 。That Sima Jinchi's Martial Soul should have some tacit understanding with Wu Lin. 。The two complement each other. 。And Arhu Heng was his own body s...