anonymous works

Chapter 1011: Grand Wedding Festival >


e to buy this pleasure boat.He didn't want to be beaten again, so he quickly changed his tune and said: "Father, I've thought about it. This is indeed an unnecessary expense, so...""Buy it."Zhaoxuanji...Chapter 1011: The Grand Wedding Celebration

If one could look down upon the entire capital city at this moment, they would see that the Jinyi Guard had occupied most of the core areas.

It's almost one post for every five meters. Besides these fixed posts, there are squad leaders at the rank of sergeant who lead patrol teams along fixed routes.

Once a suspicious person was found, they would be apprehended immediately. However, they were relatively polite to ordinary people, mostly sending them home politely, much like how they treated Zhang Laosan.

For those who refuse to listen, just tie them up and take them away.

It's just that not many people are foolish enough to stubbornly resist the Dongchang.

The entire capital city, from its slumber to awakening, but today was unlike any other. Unlike usual times when the streets would already be bustling with early marketgoers, there was an unusual quietude.

But today, only the Dongchang and government officials walked the streets. No one came to the market, and even the shops along the street were closed.

The entire capital city welcomed the first rays of dawn under such a strange and eerie atmosphere.

When the morning light shone upon the glazed tiles of the Donggong Xizheng Hall roof, Li Chen had already risen as scheduled.

Two officials from the Ministry of Rites were kneeling before him, explaining the procedures and rituals required for his wedding today.

While he listened, he opened his arms and let the maids from the palace dress him in ceremonial robes.

Today is his wedding day, and the attire he wears is the most elaborate ceremonial robe. Such a robe is incredibly complex; if not for the elder ladies-in-waiting, those young maids in the East Palace wouldn't be able to put it on at all.

"Your Highness, in ordinary families, when a man gets married, the groom needs to bring a marriage proposal from matchmakers and personally pick up his bride in a palanquin. However, the royal family does not follow this custom."

After the prince was dressed, he needed to go to the palace to pay his respects to the Emperor and Empress. After the Emperor issued an imperial decree, the ceremony was complete.

“It is just that the Holy Emperor’s dragon body is unwell. The Empress’s meaning is to keep things simple, skipping this step and going directly to the Taimiao Temple. The Empress will lead His Highness the Crown Prince to record the name of the Crown Princess in the Taimiao roster, then burn a copy of the marriage certificate as a sign of presenting it to the ancestors, thus allowing the Crown Princess to enter the Li family royal lineage.”

Li Chen nodded upon hearing this and said, "Very well, I shall follow the empress's wishes."

The official from the Ministry of Rites bowed and then said, “When Your Highness emerges from the Temple of Ancestral Rites, the welcoming procession led by Master Zongren from the Zongrenfu will have almost arrived at the entrance of the Temple. The main gate of the temple will be opened, and Your Highness will greet the Crown Princess at the gate.”

"After His Royal Highness and the Crown Princess enter the main hall, they will pay their respects to the Empress Dowager with filial piety. After offering tea, they will together incense the ancestors."

"And then, Your Highness, accompanied by the Crown Princess, exited the Tai Temple through the main gate and returned to the East Palace. They entered through the main gate again and opened the wedding banquet, presided over by Her Majesty the Empress, proclaiming to the world that the ceremony was complete."

Ancient people attached great importance to ancestor worship, and the Qin Empire, known for its rule based on filial piety, revolved its entire system of rituals around their ancestors.

Li Chen listened to a heap of complicated etiquette and precautions, feeling his head was about to burst.

"Alright, alright, this palace will follow your arrangements."

With a wave of his hand, Li Chen silenced the chattering officials from the Ministry of Personnel. "Well then," he said, "I shall proceed directly to the inner court, shall I"

A minister from the Ministry of Rites said cautiously, "Your Highness, please wait a moment longer. There are strict time limits for when you leave your residence and enter the inner palace. You can't be early by even a moment, nor late by even a moment."Chapter 806 What Can You Bring to This King