anonymous works

Chapter 1581: A Fool's Errand


hing, they immediately swarm and bite.The buildings on the ground, the corpses, even the discarded blood-stained weapons and armor, all became their food.These sudden locusts caused great panic on the...Chapter 1581: A Fool's Errand

As soon as these words were spoken, Guzailo's face turned icy cold, and he rebuked, "Guzaab, apologize!"

Ghaz'aab, scolded and red-faced, glared angrily and said, "Chieftain, it was he who was afraid of death! Why should I apologize"

Because you said something you shouldn't have!

Kuzhailo glared with fury, her voice as cold as ice. "Zhao Tailai may be a son-in-law of the Kuzha tribe, but whether by name or in reality, he is my husband. I will absolutely not allow anyone to provoke and humiliate my husband without reason."

Since I chose him as my husband, and even my father agrees, that means both myself and my father recognize him. By insulting him, you're actually insulting me and my father.

Moreover, after he arrived, many of the methods he brought greatly improved the lives of our tribe. The medical books he brought saved countless people from illness and pain, and his animal husbandry techniques increased our cattle and sheep production by 20%!

"Can you, Guza'ab, do these things"

"Even your own mother, Guza'ab, he healed her illness. You don't thank him, but insult him instead! This is how the Guza tribe treats their own people, treats those who have done them good!"

After he finished speaking, almost everyone present blushed and lowered their heads in shame.

Indeed, in this regard, Zhao Tailei is the benefactor of the entire Guza tribe.

And all present, either directly or indirectly, had received his favors.

Cuzza'ab looked down, struggling to say to Zhao Tai: "Not..."< > .


Zhao Tailai suddenly spoke, interrupting Guza'ab's apology.

It seems Zhao Tailai is unwilling to listen to Guza Ab's apology at all.

"I still stand by my advice, to stay put and do nothing."fter Su Jinpa's opening remarks, the first sentence he uttered turned the faces of the assembled tycoons ashen.Subsequently, Su Jinping continued, "Actually, this statement is rather one-sided."Althou...