anonymous works

Chapter 735: Battlefield Killing Tool


said, "This palace intends to marry Princess Qiao Yue, who is sixteen years old, to your brother."Su Jinpa said angrily, "You not only meddled in my marriage but even deprived my brother of the choic...Chapter 735: Battlefield Killer

The apple exploded, its flesh and juice splattering everywhere, running down Yelu Guzanqi's hair and onto his face.

When a smile crossed his lips, Yelü Guzanqi felt the tang of sweetness and bitterness.

Nothing could contain the overwhelming terror.

He could clearly feel that something had just shattered the apple in his hand at an incredibly high speed. Such power, if it had struck him directly, would have undoubtedly left him seriously injured.

If you were to hit your own head, it wouldn't explode like an apple, but going through your skull would be a certainty.

The survivor Yelu Guzanqi was completely stunned.

Just as shocking was Su Zhen Ting.

But amidst the astonishment, there was an overwhelming sense of surprise.

Fifty paces away, it possesses such formidable power. Ordinary armor on a battlefield would be utterly ineffective against the force of this projectile. This means that if it were to appear on the battlefield in large numbers, it could alter the course of war!

"Your Grace has a keen eye!"

Song Yingxing sincerely praised.

Although he was the maker of this musket, his marksmanship was truly terrible. Yet, the Crown Prince managed to hit an apple at fifty paces on his very first try.

He almost thought this towering, hulking Liao man before him was a condemned prisoner about to be executed.

Li Chen laughed heartily, feeling very cheerful.

Now that he had this, he finally felt a bit safer.

Walking up to the expressionless Yelü Guzanqi, Li Chen smiled and said, "Your Highness, how does this gun of mine look"

"What is this called a gun"

Yelü Guzan stared intently at the unremarkable burning stick in Li Chen's hand, as if trying to imprint its appearance onto his mind.

Within fifty paces, every shot finds its mark. If one hundred, one thousand, or even ten thousand Qin soldiers were to wield this spear and aim it at the nomadic barbarians, a single volley would unleash thousands upon thousands of bullets, capable of sweeping them away

Li Chen's question made Yelu Guzanqi's face extremely ugly.

But he was a battle-hardened prince, no fool. He immediately retorted, "Even if this weapon is powerful, at worst we lose some cavalry. At fifty paces, our cavalry charge will be over in a heartbeat. How many times can you fire Once my cavalry gets close, it'll be like cutting melons and vegetables."

Although he spoke tough words, Yelü Guguzan had already made up his mind to report this intelligence to the Liao Kingdom immediately upon his return.

The power of this thing is truly terrifying.

Whether it's a person or a horse, almost any hit to the vital spot is fatal, and even if it's not a vital spot, it will lose its combat effectiveness.

In a large-scale cavalry charge, once you fell off your horse, there was only one outcome: being trampled to death by your comrades charging behind you.

So Yelü Guzanqi knew that this thing was almost a cavalry's natural enemy.

The most crucial question now is, how long does it take to fire once

Li Chen quickly answered him.

"From loading to firing, a well-trained soldier needs only ten breaths' time."

Yelü Guzanqi couldn't help but smirk when he heard this, and said with disdain: "Ten breaths That's enough time for my Khitan cavalry to charge back and forth two times within fifty paces."


Li Chen nodded sincerely, as if admitting it.

But he changed the subject and said, "What if three rows of soldiers are arranged, with the first row kneeling, the second row bending over, and the third row standing After the first row fires, they move to the third row, and the original second row kneels to continue firing. Then the process repeats"

At this, Su Zhenting burst out laughing.

And Yelu Guguzan's face was as unsightly as a pig's liver. rising from the horizon."How is the treasury doing"Zhao Xuanji didn't care about Li Yinhu and the lives of nearly ten thousand people. Perhaps in his heart, he already knew the fate of these people.B...