<No Xiaoying> works

Chapter 508 Is He Really


she colluded with her grandparents, claiming that she was dying, all to convince her parents to remarry for her sake.Just when her mommy agreed to meet with her grandpa and grandma, giving her a glim...Though this man, like the Eighth Master, wore a mask of false pretense, his facial features and physique were identical to Leng Yechen's.

But there was a strangeness and coldness in his eyes that made the air around him instantly freeze.

Tong Yi Mo's lips trembled, "Big brother" these two words stuck in her throat, how could she say them.

"Ah Ying, this is the Fourth Master who just returned from abroad after finishing some important business. Our Fourth Master, he's the kind of ruthless killer who would kill women and children for a high price, with no bottom line at all. Tonight, you must serve him well, or be careful, the Fourth Master might kill you!" The Eighth Master commanded with a smile.

Tong Yi Mo remained silent, feigning obedience as she nodded her head.

Just now, she mistakenly thought that this Fourth Master might be the eldest brother. As a result, the next words from the Eighth Master made her heart ache and she gasped in shock.

"Fourth Brother, you killed Leng Yechen. It's left a void in my heart. I've made so many timed bombs, but now there's no one to help me dismantle them. Tonight, our group's bigwigs are eager to gather for an important meeting. You think, at this meeting, will the First Master, Second Master, and Third Master award you a medal" Eighth Brother said with a deep meaning.

At this, Tong Yimo suddenly remembered what happened three years ago. She had been kidnapped in a shopping mall by an unknown person and had a time bomb strapped to her waist.

At that time, she thought she was a goner. In the end, it was her big brother Leng Ye Chen who appeared and helped her defuse the time bomb.

So, Eighth Master has been secretly going against Big Brother Leng Yechen all along

And now, more importantly, the man holding her on his lap was actually the one she wanted to take revenge on!

"Master Eight could also offer me a high price to kill the person you hate." Si Ye's voice was low but captivating.

"I'll offer you ten million, will you help me kill Old Master Li for me Do you dare" Eight Master smiled.

Fourth Lord calmly said: "He is our big brother, a family member. We cannot kill each other. This is the rule, Little Eight, don't you remember"

"You bunch of women, keep it up! What are you all just staring at and doing nothing for" Bageye glared at the women kneeling on the ground with displeasure, his lips pursed as he snapped at them, venting his frustration on them.

Tong Yimo stammered, opening her mouth to address the man across from her. "Fourth Master, if I can retrieve Eighth Master's watch from that swarm of centipedes with my bare hands, I won't ask for payment. All I ask is that Fourth Master intercede with Eighth Master and let these women go."

"Little Eight, the woman you sent me seems to be one with too much sympathy." The Fourth Master's thin lips twitched, his black eyes gazing at Tong Yimo. His big hand on her waist suddenly clenched, and there was a hint of wickedness and disdain in his eyes.

Ye Ye looked at Tong Yi Mo with great interest, but in his heart he was dubious about this woman's voice. It didn't sound like Ai Ying, who he frequented.

Tong Yi Mo glanced at the Eighth Ye, seeing him sizing her up. She subconsciously looked towards the Fourth Ye.

Fourth Lord suddenly stood up, scooped up Tong Yimo's body, and held her horizontally in his arms.

"Little Eight, you keep playing. I'll take this woman upstairs to satisfy my physiological needs."

"Then go," Eight Master chuckled.

Tong Yimo was stunned and widened her eyes, but now was not the time for her to resist.

Four Ye held her and took the elevator upstairs. When they reached room 606, he let her down, grabbed her wrist with one hand, and pulled out a key card from his pocket with the other to unlock the door.

After he dragged her into the room, the door slammed shut.

Then Tong Yimo spoke, "I'll serve the Fourth Master a bath!"

"Looks like you're even more impatient than me." Si Ye smirked.

Tong Yimo replied with a calm face: "I'm just following the Eighth Master's orders. I'll go get you some bathwater now."

Then, the Fourth Master let her go.

Tong Yimo entered the bathroom, walked to the bathtub, knelt down, and turned on the faucet to adjust the water temperature.

Fourth Master suddenly appeared behind her, his tall figure completely enveloping Tong Yimo's body.

Tong Yimo didn't dare to look back, but her heart was pounding with fear and nervousness.

Then Fourth Master flung his arms wide and commanded, "Help me take off my clothes."

"Okay!" Tong Yimo stood up absentmindedly.

Her mind was constantly churning, devising escape plans.

Tong Yi Mo turned around to face the man standing before her. The Fourth Master was tall and imposing, his expensive black windbreaker making him even more noble and alluring, just like Leng Ye Chen made her feel.

She slowly undressed him, and when she saw the gun holstered at his waist, a chill ran down her spine.

Perhaps it was a moment of heat-headedness, or perhaps it was a desperate scramble.

Tong Yimo didn't know where she got the courage. Taking advantage of the moment when she was helping him unbuckle his belt, she pulled out his handgun and pointed it directly at Si Ye's forehead.

Her face was already pale, and her gun-wielding hands trembled incessantly.

Fourth Master, however, stared at her with unusual calmness.

15411/41882308Erqin glanced at the whirlwind and then looked at Qin Nianxia, and then said: "Take care of yourself, I'm going back first.""I'll see you to the elevator," Qin Nianxia said, wanting to follow.Song Erq...