I eat tomatoes works

Chapter 11: Street Attack - Part Four


t will you do" "We have more than 800 half-step third realm invincible abyss monarchs joining hands. Are we going to be bullied by Wu Ming" "One-on-one, we are no match for him, but with so many of us...Xu Jingming's first task in the Blood Rain World was quite easy. For six days in a row, life was leisurely and carefree. Every day was spent enjoying the delicacies of this world. 。As for food and drink, Mr. Chang is quite generous. 。

It's already the seventh day.

"Today's lunch is early" 。Miss Qingyu, accompanied by her maidservants, brought the food. Standing under an umbrella in the courtyard, she said, “In half an hour, we will escort young master out.” 。"Oh"Xu Jingming stopped his meditation, got up and opened the door. The maids placed the food on the table and retreated. Qingyu walked in and reminded, "This is the first time the young master has gone out in recent days. There may be danger! Then it depends on the three of you, Mr. Jing." 。"

Qingyu girl, rest assured" 。。Xu Jingming sat down and began to eat. Today's meal was quite substantial. Although these masters could achieve 'cellular control' over their bodies, instantly unleashing super-strong power and speed, their energy consumption was also very high. Within the Blood Rain World, the only way to replenish the consumed energy was to eat!

Half an hour later, a wide carriage stopped outside Chang Mansion's gate. Xu Jingming and the others escorted Young Master Chang out. 。"Master " 。 。Xu Jingming and three others stood around the carriage, flanked by over ten guards, each wearing a raincoat. 。It's still drizzling. Xu Jingming is also wearing a raincoat and carrying two spears on his back. The two spears are inside their scabbards, tightly strapped to his body. 。Even their arm guards, worn beneath their sleeves, were fitted with daggers. 。And Mr. Lv had a strange circular blade wheel on his back, with five blades fitted together. 。As for Miss Zi Teng, she only carried twin daggers at her waist. 。The other fifteen guards each carried swords and shields, looking very brave. They surrounded the others. 。

"Let's go" 。“The sound of Qingyu’s voice came from inside the carriage.” 。"On!" The coachman immediately took the reins and started the carriage, while passersby on the street, also Flower Moon Gang scouts, were watching this scene. 。"That Chang Gongzi finally went out, report it to the master immediately." 。A detective instructed his partner, while he himself continued to watch closely. 。The "Huayue Gang," one of the three major gangs in Lan Yue City, has eight halls. Each hall has thousands, or even tens of thousands, of members. Within their territory, they are de facto emperors, wielding more influence than the government itself. 。Even the government and even the Blood Rain Guard have to give these numerous gangs face. 。

Huayue Gang, Fenghu Hall 。In a house by the Fenghu Lake, the master of the Fenghu Hall resided. 。"Master, Young Master Chang has finally left the house." 。"The scout has returned" 。"This young master Chang is really quite cowardly, after being assassinated once, he's been hiding like a turtle, never coming out." 。The head of the Fenghu Hall, dressed in a golden robe, looked at the book and smiled, "How many people did he bring with him"

"Including maidservants, grooms, and guards, about twenty." 。"The scout said, 'But those guards were carrying swords and shields; they didn't look like easy prey.'" 。He, as the sole illegitimate son, could only summon three or five mediocre masters at best. 。The master of Fenghu Hall scoffed disdainfully and calmly ordered, "Fifth Brother, you personally lead the team and carry out the original plan." 。"

" is 。A burly man outside excitedly cupped his hands. 。This time's operation must be successful, I don't want to go through this again. 。“Lord Feng of the Huayue Gang said coldly, ‘Spread the word: if even a bastard son of the Chang family can’t be dealt with by the Feng Lake Hall, then that would be a laughingstock.’” 。My law enforcement team, every single one is elite, three hundred elites! They could easily kill them. 。"The burly man said confidently," 。Well, let's go. 。The master of Fenghu Hall is quite confident. 。The Enforcers are the elite force of a gang! With three hundred elites on hand, even with some decent fighters around Chang Yi, they would be more than enough to crush their opponents. 。Xù Jǐngmíng and they guarded the carriage all the way, paying attention to all directions at all times. After a while, they finally arrived at a large tavern. 。"Mr. Liu and Mr. Chen, and Miss Zi Teng, please come in with me." 。Chang Yi said, and also entered the restaurant. The other guards and men were preparing some wine and food on the first floor of the restaurant, starting to have lunch. 。Xu Jingming and the other two, followed Chang Yi to the third floor of the wine shop. 。Two gentlemen were waiting outside, Miss Ziting followed me inside. 。Chang Yi said 。。Xu Jingming and that Mr. Lv, stood on either side of the door to the private room. 。Moments later, the guest arrived. 。"Haha, Master Chang arrived quite early." 。A big-bellied old man walked over with a chuckle, with two men by his side. He signaled with his eyes, and a man was also waiting outside the door. 。Another butler was also closely following. 。"Master Wang, please!" Chang Yi greeted warmly, "The dishes are ready." 。"

Okay, Young Master Chang" 。The waiter in the restaurant immediately replied and started serving the dishes. 。The meal lasted for over an hour. Xu Jingming, Mr. Lv, and the Wang's guard patiently waited outside. 。"Young Master Chang is truly a generous person." 。"Lord Wang, having had his fill of wine and food, came out smiling and said, 'Then it's settled! We shall proceed as we discussed today! Tomorrow, we'll go to the government office to transfer ownership and sign the deed.'

'Before nightfall, I will have the real estate agent draft the deed of transfer and send it to Lord Wang's mansion for you to review first.'" 。"Chang Yi smiled faintly," 。

"Good" 。Then, Master Wang left with his men. 。After seeing the other party off, Chang Yi only smiled and looked at Xu Jingming and the three people beside him: "The three of you, we left very suddenly! Our secret enemies didn't have time to act, but when we returned... that was their best chance to strike. There are more than one families eyeing my Chang family's property greedily. Today, all of you are making your first move, you must deter those greedy people!" 。Intimidation will only attract more wolves. 。"Don't worry, we'll do a great job since we have Master Chang's money. " 。Mr. Lü spoke, and both Xu Jingming and Zi Teng nodded. 。I believe in three 。Chang Yi nodded and walked downstairs. 。Soon, at the entrance of the restaurant, Chang Yi and Qingyu boarded the carriage. Other people guarded the carriage and began to return!

The rain had become heavier than when it first started. 。Xu Jingming, Mr. Lv, and Miss Ziting stood around the carriage, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings. 。After walking for a while and turning a corner, they came to a street...

"Hmm" Xu Jingming and the others' expressions changed slightly, because in front of them appeared a dense crowd of people, all wearing raincoats, most carrying shields and swords, some holding chains, and some with axes at their waists, slowly approaching >>> 。Shhh, Shhh, Xu Jingming and the others heard the sound of a crowd walking in an orderly fashion behind them. They turned their heads to look backvestreams with Xu Jingming also attracted many more. 。Although Xu Jingming doesn't stream himself, his girlfriend does! This is also the best way for fans who like Xu Jingming to watch him live. 。…Th...