The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1343: How Much Power


d everything and pounced into her arms, swaying left and right. What was most infuriating was that this kid's magic hand kept touching her soft buttocks. Her face immediately turned pink.Finally擺脫了葉凡的...Just now, Tie Xiong lost to the fat man in that move, which made him very unwilling. Now that he has finally found a chance, how could he let it go easily

"What! You're comparing me, a doughy old man, to this brute" Seeing Tie Xiong approaching, the fat man started twitching nervously.

He has fought the iron bear before and even suffered some losses at his hands. It's not that Fatty can't beat Iron Bear, but after taking the tenth numbered serum, Iron Bear's body, both in terms of reaction speed and strength, has reached a new level. In a sense, he's practically an unkillable cockroach.

If a fat man wants to defeat him in a fight, he can only take the path of roaming combat. By using his agility and superior fighting skills to suppress Iron Bear, he might stand a chance of winning.

If both parties were just standing there, exchanging punches and blows, despite the fat man's decent physical condition, he wouldn't be able to withstand Iron Bear's relentless onslaught. I believe that within a few rounds, he would surely be defeated.

Besides, Tie Xiong possesses the skill of invulnerability, akin to having a golden bell protecting him. Last time they fought, Fatty's punches couldn't even break through Tie Xiong's body. Even if he concentrates his full power this time and makes some progress, it will undoubtedly take a significant amount of effort. After such a fight, Fatty would clearly be at a disadvantage.

Therefore, he never expected Yan Wuque to be so stubborn. He thought at most Yan Wuque would use some kind of sea tactic, but he didn't expect him to send Tie Xiong onto the field. How could this battle be fought

"Yan Shao, this seems a bit underhanded, doesn't it"

The fat man remained silent, but Ye Fan spoke first.

Ye Wujian is a smart man, Ye Fan believes he can understand the meaning behind his words.

If Tie Xiong, the unkillable cockroach, were to take the field, aside from his own Pai Yun Fist, there was only a slim chance that anyone else on their side could inflict any substantial damage upon him. The rest of them would likely struggle to cause him any real harm.

Even if you hacked at the Iron Bear's chest with a knife several times, whether or not you could get through its defenses is another story. This Iron Bear, I don't know how it cultivated itself, but after I punched it, it seemed like a completely different person.

Yan Wuque looked at Ye Fan, a wry smile on his face: "Ye Shao, how come you're not scared Tie Xiong is a member of my Ninth Squadron, he naturally has the right to take the stage."

Ye Fan and they had always used those words to squeeze themselves, now they could finally return them to Ye Fan in their original form, which made Yan Wuxie feel very satisfied.

Ye Fan let out a cold snort. Yan Wuque was indeed losing his temper and his eyes were bloodshot. He deliberately spoke in a way that Han could hear the meaning behind Ye Fan's words.

So, Yan Wuque is using the Iron Bear to fight in a pre-arranged martial arts competition No wonder he proposed such an unheard-of wager!

"Hehehe, even Fatty Pig is afraid of this. How about this: I punch you once, and you punch me twice What do you say"

Tiete Xiong was skilled and bold. Having consumed the tenth experimental agent, his golden bell cover technique had reached a new level. Ordinary attacks were nothing to him, and he believed that even with all his strength, this fat man couldn't possibly hurt him.

Therefore, Tie Xiong entrusted Dadi with the task.

After saying that, Yan Wuxue couldn't help but frown. If he hadn't known Tie Xiong would win easily beforehand, he would have really scolded him properly.

His grandfather had taught him long ago that no matter the circumstances, one should never underestimate their opponent, even if they appear weak.

And he has always done so, which is why he could laugh last. Among Kyoto's many young masters, his prestige was the highest, and no one ever dared to provoke him. He himself also taught his troops by the same principle that his grandfather had taught him.

The fat man narrowed his eyes, a strange light gleaming in his small pupils as he glared coldly at Tie Xiong. He was so audacious to act this way, even if he truly had an ironclad body, so what

After all, flesh and blood is not bronze. After years of hard training, could my skills be useless against him

Paiyunquan, even Fatty knows it. They are both disciples taught by the old master. Besides Chan Ying Quan, Ye Fan knows all the kung fu that Fatty does.

Compared to Ye Fan, Fatty's power wasn't that much. However, Fatty's foundation was there, and most ordinary people couldn't withstand Fatty's attacks at all.

Furthermore, the fat man chose this gamble for another reason: his skill in "thousand-pound weight" martial arts had reached its peak. The rules were simple: as long as you could withstand your opponent's attacks and keep your feet from moving, you wouldn't have to drink. The fat man was confident in this aspect, which is why he chose to challenge the Iron Bear.

Looking at the arrogant iron bear, Fatty sneered coldly: "Well, this is what you said, I hope you don't go back on your word."

Upon hearing this, Tie Xiong said: “What I, Tie Xiong, have said will never be taken back.”

Even if you let the fat guy punch twice, even three or four times, what's the harm Can he possibly hurt himself

"Alright, I agree. But I have one condition: we settle this with a drinking contest, but not just any drinking contest. We'll drink the amount that each of us loses in a martial arts duel. How about that"

The fat man stared at the iron bear, his eyes never blinking.

"Hahahaha" Tie Xiong suddenly laughed very unrestrainedly, his laughter was as unpleasant as it could be.

After just a moment's smile, he glared fiercely at the fat man, revealing his gleaming white fangs and said: "I couldn't ask for anything better."

In his eyes, the fat man's action was tantamount to courting death. Since the fat man was looking for death himself, he would just fulfill him.

Ye Fan glanced at the Fatty, without saying a word. He knew the Fatty's skill best. Although Tie Xiong was not what he used to be, the Fatty still had a chance.

Looking over at TuTu lying there, Ye Fan secretly made up his mind. No matter what, he would make these people pay for what they did to TuTu today, even if it cost him his life.

"Since both parties have no issues, let's get started then." Yan Wuque said eagerly.

"Did they tell you who came first, or has Yan Shao forgotten to mention it"

With a slight smirk on his lips, Yan Wuque didn't want Tie Xiong to make another foolish offer. He spoke up first, "Since Tie Xiong is allowing you two to throw punches, let Tie Xiong go first."

Yan Wuque said it as if it were self-evident.

Upon hearing his words, Ye Fan smiled, the fat man smiled as well, while Tie Xiong kept frowning.

Of course, Tie Xiong knew the Captain was doing this for his own good. The Captain had taught him that he could never underestimate his opponents under any circumstances and could not give them any opportunities, so he must seize every opportunity that was advantageous to himself.

But isn't the captain being too cautious With just this fat guy, how much strength could he possibly haveback from her daze. She looked at Xiaoyang in astonishment. Xiaoyang was a recent college graduate who, as far as she knew, had never been in love. Although she wasn't particularly beautiful, her figu...