The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1497: The End of the Corridor


ip service, this is definitely coming from the bottom of my heart…" Ye Fan chuckled."Alright, stop talking, or you'll get water in your mouth..." Si Kong Yanran stopped Ye Fan from continuing, already...The Black Dragon surged out of Li Nanfang's dantian qi sea, urging him to pounce on Duan Xing immediately, because it couldn't stand the strong **aura** emanating from her when she was desperately craving love.

As long as Li Nanfang can keep the last shred of clarity on his heart stage, he will be able to successfully reject Duan Xing.

He especially, upon catching a whiff of the faint sweetness, immediately realized this scent was most likely from the sea serpent's essence being refined by the python. He didn't want to go along with it and do anything with Duan Lingxing.

Duan Lingxing, whose whole body was burning with that kind of fire, couldn't even cry at this time. He could only groan in pain, suddenly pounced on Li Nanfang's back, hooked his neck, and his legs wrapped around his waist again, rubbing violently against his back.

She's been burned out.

This is when she couldn't tell if she was leaning against Li Nanfang’s back. Even if they stayed like this until tomorrow, she wouldn't be satisfied.

Let her go.


Li Nanshan let out a soft sigh in his heart, bit his tongue again, using the pain to make himself more sober, then reached out and removed the rope from Duan Lingxing's waist.

A handgun, a water spike, a military knife, a powerful flashlight, and a rope with a locking buckle — these were the field equipment that National Security personnel had prepared for Li Nanfang and his partner.

Except for the rope around his waist, Duan Xing had lost everything else.

With a few soft scrapes, Li Nanfang had already used the rope to bind Duan Lingxing on his back. With a click, he locked the buckle.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, love me, love me—"

Duanzingxing might not know that she had already been bound to Lisinan's back, but her body trembled violently and unconsciously moaned from her mouth.

This sound is **annoying** and also troublesome.

Li Nanfang couldn't guarantee that the sounds she made while he carried her up were inaudible to others.

What if that was heard by the sea serpent

Thinking of that water-bucket-thick monster, its blood-filled maw gaping wide as it swooped down from above—Li Nanfang shuddered.

With a rip, Li Nanfang pulled down his left sleeve and stuffed the lump into Duan Lingxing's mouth.

Duan, unexpectedly, didn't notice anything. He was just lying on his back, suddenly shivering.

His face was flushed even more intensely, as if he were about to suffocate. His eyes rolled back in his head in a frightening way, and he lifted his chin, letting out a heavy snort.

If she could speak, she would scream loudly.

For she had already, in ceaseless friction, ridden the exhilarating roller coaster of sensations, hurtling down from the highest peak.

Then, her head leaned against Li Nanshan's shoulder, and her body stopped moving.

It was obvious that she had fainted from pleasure.

The medicinal effects of the snake essence are truly powerful!

That's good too, Li Nanfang doesn't have to worry about what she might say for now.

"What's on top"

Li Nanfang took a deep breath, looked up, and slowly opened his mouth to bite down on the flashlight. He tapped his toes, bearing his own weight like an ape, and leaped onto a rock that had popped out.

What's that on top

When Li Nanfang questioned this in his heart, Shen Yun was also asking a similar question in her own mind: "What lies below"

How long has she been here

She no longer remembers.

There was no time here, nor anyone to speak with her, only a cold iron gate and beyond it, a corridor decorated in high style.

The floor was paved with pure jade, each piece measuring one square meter.

Although the quality of the jade isn't very good, it is valuable because of its large size.

To pave this 30-meter-long, 3-meter-wide corridor, how much large pieces of jade would be needed

Shen Yun doubted whether the world's finest grade of inkstone was concentrated here.

The base of the one-meter-high wall in the corridor is made of high-quality marble.

The uppermost edge of the skirt is a band about three centimeters wide.

This is truly gold-plated.

Thirty meters of gold belt, if all taken off and put together, would weigh at least over ten kilograms.

The walls were also covered in tiles, with a mural every three meters.

These murals, of course, were formed when the tiles were fired.

Two walls, a total of twenty murals.

From the first painting on the left to the first on the right, even a fool can see that these paintings tell a story.

The first mural depicts only three people, and judging by their attire they seem to be from ancient times. These three individuals consist of a married couple and their son.

Three people's clothes had patches on them, which proved that their living conditions were poor.

The three of them were all frowning and looking worried.

The second mural depicts a man lying in bed, a woman sitting on the edge of the bed holding a medicine bowl, and their son carrying a bow and arrow, a basket, and a hoe, heading out the door.

It is clear that the man is sick, his wife is taking care of him at home, and their son has gone out to gather medicine and hunt.

The third mural shows the son deep in the mountains, discovering a cave.

After seeing this mural, Shen Yun immediately knew what story these murals were telling.

This ancient story is the history of the development of the Shen family in Hancheng.

It is said that a certain ancestor of the Shen family fled from the war-torn mainland to Seoul during a time of chaos and settled there.

By pure chance, an ancestor of the Shen family discovered a black hole about three to four meters in diameter inside a cave.

Black holes are straight up and down, no one knows how deep they are, or what's underneath.

Because inside the cave, there was a white mist that wouldn't dissipate.

There should be water down there.

When the faint sound of running water came from within the white mist, even Shen's ancestors experienced a clear auditory hallucination.

Within the black hole, there seems to be some kind of strange, mysterious sound coming from it.

It sounds like a donkey braying, yet also like a dragon's roar.

As for what it was, of course the Shen family ancestors didn't know.

He was very afraid.

After poking around, I just want to leave.

But just as he was about to leave, he felt extremely tired and fell asleep on the ground beside the black hole.

In his slumber, the Shen family's ancestor vaguely felt something crawling on him.

That thing was all slimy and slippery.

Like a snake, like flayed flesh.

Although it was a hazy dream, the first ancestor of the Shen family was terrified. All he wanted was to wake up, or let out a terrifying scream.

But he couldn't do anything.

He could only silently allow that thing to roam over him.

Then, he fell asleep.

He dreamt of a beautiful woman in an empress's robe dancing by a stream, like an fairy descending from the clouds.

Around the fairy, countless people knelt down to worship her.

The six people closest to her.

An ancestor of the Shen family was one of these six people.

As the song ended, Fairy Dai Feng vanished, leaving behind a crowd of people filled with melancholy.

and six black iron plaques on the ground—

After an unknown amount of time, the first ancestor of the Shen family awoke from his slumber.

The black hole is still there.

The white mist inside was still there.

The sound of running water, phantom sounds, all exist.

But the thing that had been crawling on Shen's ancestor while he was asleep was gone.

...but left behind a black iron plate at the edge of the hole.

The Shen family ancestors dared not go to that industrious thing.

Only in a panic, he got up and ran to the ground with a torch, back home.

Because the Shen family were outsiders and even poorer than the local natives, their sons had almost no chance of finding a wife.

He certainly wasn't willing to accept this, all he wanted was to find just any woman to carry on the Shen family line.

But his son's marriage also changed after he came out of the cave.

He met the princess by chance when he went to the city to sell wild game.

The princess, inexplicably smitten with him from their first meeting, would not marry anyone else.

Thus, after that, the Shen family rose from being an outsider who was bullied to becoming a nobleman.

Later, the princess gave birth to two sons for Shen's ancestors. She died at the age of twenty-eight.

After the princess's death, Shen's son went to the black hole again.

After returning to the dungeon, he encountered some things that his grandfather hadn't told Shen Yun about.

Because someone qualified to know this would be, unless it's the head of the household himself.

But the grandfather told Shen Yun that after the princess's death, the grief-stricken king, at the fervent pleas of Shen's ancestors, reluctantly agreed to allow him to bury the princess's remains in what the Shen family considered their most sacred place.

The day the princess's beauty faded and she died was on the third day of the third lunar month in mainland China.

To express gratitude to the princess for her great kindness to the Shen family, every succeeding head of the Shen family must, on the third day of the third lunar month, go to the underground city under Mount ZILong, to the black hole beside room number seven, and pay their respects.

After the direct descendants of the Shen family pass away, they will be dressed in the most magnificent and solemn clothes and thrown into the black hole.

The ancestor who changed the Shen family's fate, only said before his death that a dragon was hidden inside the black hole—that's why the mountain is called Zànglóngshan.

The small courtyard on Canglong Mountain is called Canglong Villa.

The Shen family's fate could be changed because their son had once made a pact with a dragon when he fainted near the black hole.

The dragon under Mount Canglong bestowed immeasurable kindness and favor upon the Shen family.

To repay the great kindness that the dragon bestowed upon the Shen family, the Shen family decided that every twelve years, they would sacrifice a living person to the dragon.

This person can be a man or a woman, but must be a direct descendant of the Shen family.

For centuries, it has always been this way.

No one from the Shen family's descendants has ever dared to try and rebel.

The last mural Shen Yun saw depicted a descendant of the Shen family, chosen every twelve years to be offered to the Divine Dragon. He stood solemnly by the black hole, awaiting his consumption by the dragon.

To the left of the straight, bottomless black hole's entrance, there was a small platform.

On a high platform, stood an exquisite wooden frame.

There was a silver platter on the wooden shelf.

On a silver platter draped in golden silk, sat a dark iron plate.

That plaque was a sacred relic obtained by the Shen family's ancestor when he exchanged it with the black hole and the dragon.

For centuries, the iron plaque has been enshrined here, bathed in the light of an eternal flame.

A pitch-black dragon with horns on its head and eyes like glowing bulbs emerged from the black hole, its gaping maw filled with blood. It faced the "sacrifices" kneeling before it.

Chen Yun swore he would.

For centuries, it has been a certainty that every twelve years, a member of the Shen family would be sent here.

But she dared not be sure. When the dragon surged out of the black hole, would the Shen family children who were about to be devoured still be able to remain as composed and serene as depicted in the murals, with their faces full of devout expressions

She would surely be filled with boundless fear, longing to escape.

But, throughout millennia, who has truly escaped the past


Shen Yun's fate, like countless predecessors who had sacrificed themselves, would only be to be devoured alive by the divine dragon.

Her only hope was that the legendary dragon didn't exist.

The dragon is a totem imagined by the people of China. How could there be one in reality

Over these days of being confined, Shen Yun had thought more than once about going to take a look.

I'd really like to see the Shen family relic—that iron plaque.

But she didn't dare.

She could only curl up at the end of the corridor, gazing towards the crimson abyss, wondering what lay beneath.


It seemed as if there was some sound coming from the sky pit, startling Shen Yun who had just closed his eyes.

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