The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 1668: Farther and Farther Away From Home


es still lying by the door. As if possessed, she walked forward and picked them up again. For some unknown reason, she took them directly to the bathroom and prepared to wash them along with her own...Li Nanfang was dumbfounded.

He was utterly dumbfounded. After all this hard work and effort, it had all been for this single satellite.

And just then, the satellite disappeared.

Why isn't the satellite here

Could Old Hei have used a ruse to lure the tiger away from the mountain, causing someone else to take the satellite


Even if a fool were designing something harmful, they wouldn't risk their own life, would they

Lao Hei's butt was still in the driver's cabin.

Why is he trying so hard

Just to ship an empty crate out of the city, forcing Li Nanfang to fail his mission

Mr. Li, feeling quite good about himself, didn't think that he and Lao Hei had a deadly feud that would drive Lao Hei to try and kill him.

Now, this situation can only be one of two possibilities.

The satellite is still at the ruins of Shule Ancient City.

Two, after Li Nanshan went into hiding under the truck bed, during the few hours he was sleeping, someone transferred the satellite.

No matter how you look at it, both possibilities are too illogical.

Lao Hei would absolutely not abandon the satellite and run away himself.

It's impossible for anyone to steal the satellite without alerting him and Lao Hei and their men—you what!

Li Nanfang, realizing the satellite was gone, began to ponder the problem while he pried open the large wooden box completely. He squeezed himself inside and, using his phone's flashlight, investigated the situation.

The light pointed to the void, a blank sheet of paper lying in the box, glaring in stark contrast.

He reached out and grabbed the paper. After seeing what was written on it, he couldn't help but shout in anger.

"The Thief Saint Bai Zhantang took the satellite and surrendered it to the state."

This is what's written on the blank sheet of paper.

Li Nanfang erupted in a furious tirade, wanting only to know what kind of person Bai Zhantang, the thief who stole the sacred relic, was

Characters from the TV series "Wulin Wai Zhuan"

Can it get any more ridiculous Some TV shows have been off the air for over a decade, and yet some old-timers are still using that as a way to assert their authority

I only believe in the five rats around Bao Gong, "the brocade mouse Bai Yutang"!

It's impossible to describe Boss Li's feelings at this moment.

The mission to search for satellites has actually already been completed.

This so-called "thief of the sacred" stole a satellite from a truck at some point and ran to hand it over to the country.

This is a good thing.

The problem is, the task that Li Nanfang was supposed to complete was done by someone else. What do you call that

You made Boss Li go back like this, showing off to the lovely Aunt Yue.

At this moment, Li Nanging felt a disgusting, rat-like old man appear before him. The old man had the words "Thief of Saints" plastered on his head and sneered at Li Nanging, saying, “The satellite is mine. Come bite me if you have the guts.”

Li Nanfang was so angry that he immediately tore the white paper in his hand to shreds, grabbed the curved knife and darted out of the wooden crate, then out of the cargo container.

The task of protecting the satellite is complete.

But he and this sacrilegious Liangzi were now at odds.

Li Nanshan vowed not to be a scumbag unless he left his opponents with faces full of blooming peach blossoms.

The wind and sand outside have stopped.

The moon at midnight, hanging high in the sky.

The dry air only added to Li Nanfang's already irritable mood, which was burning with anger.

He took out his cell phone, wanting to call Ye Xiaodao, no matter the cost, he had to find out what the hell this goddamn thief saint was.

Do you really think Mr. Li's face can be slapped by anyone who wants to

But before he could even get his phone out to make a call, the distant sound of a helicopter's rotor blades whirring reached them.

Looking up, three military helicopters flew low overhead, clearly approaching his location.

Seeing this scene, Li Nanfang was even more dumbfounded.

According to our previous agreement, after successfully controlling the satellite, he was to fire a flare. This would immediately alert nearby military units to his location and they would come to his aid.

But he never fired a flare, these military helicopters just flew over on their own.

Even if Li Nanan were a fool, he could guess that all his every move was under the surveillance of some people.

Those people had seen him clearly identify all the hostile forces, and they had guessed what his reaction would be after seeing the satellite disappear. That's why they left in advance to appear before him before he could contact the outside world.

Perhaps the so-called "Pilgrim Stealer" is on the plane.

Li Nanfang empathized with others. If it were him, he wouldn't put Ye Xiaodao - no, Ye Xiaodao's level was too low.

If it were under the noses of people like Jing Hong, Hu Lao Er, or even Yang Xiao, he stole what they desperately wanted. He would definitely come over later and put on a show, pointing at them and saying, "You're no good."

It's more satisfying to go all out and show off.

So, that sacrilege will definitely appear.

Li Nanan decided, no matter who he was, to charge up and stab him first without saying a word.

He doesn't care if he teases others.

If you dare to tease our boss Li, let that fellow know why flowers are so red.

One hand gripped a curved blade, the other held a Desert Eagle with three bullets remaining. Li Nanfang looked up at the helicopter slowly descending before him.

Then—you grandpa's!

The helicopter's blades stirred up sand, blinding my eyes.

When someone is feeling powerful and wants to show others a little color, suddenly being blinded by sand would be incredibly frustrating.

Li Nanan is no exception.

After letting the tears flow and soothing the stinging pain in his eyes, when he raised his head again, he wanted to cry even more.

Several dozen fully armed soldiers jumped out of the plane.

Not only is there no one here who appears to be a "sacred thief," but what's even more ridiculous is that they all raised their assault rifles and pointed them at Li Nanfang.

"Drop your weapons and raise your hands above your head!"

A soldier, bearing the insignia of a captain on his shoulder, shouted out these words in a commanding voice.

Li Nanfang threw away the knife and gun in his hand without any hesitation, and said with a smile: "Like-minded, our own people."

“Who’s with you Be honest! Li Nanfang, you accepted a secret mission but failed to complete it, stripping you of all your right to defend yourself. Now we arrest you as a terrorist who murdered dozens of innocent people. You have the right to remain silent, but what you say, hmm, it doesn't matter anyway. Take him away!”

This newly appeared major is also a clever person.

Widen your eyes and call those who stole the satellites, the American mercenaries lurking in China, innocent civilians.

On the contrary, Mr. Li, who dedicated himself to serving the country with all his might, is labeled a terrorist.

Is there any justice left in the world

Alright, we're gentlemen, we don't reason with soldiers holding guns.

With his hands held high, Li Nanfang allowed two soldiers to rummage through his belongings and remove everything superfluous. He obediently boarded the helicopter.

Failing to find "Dao Sheng" among the group, Li Nanshan gave up on challenging the mysterious figure who could silently move satellites.

Who cares

Anyway, I don't know the specific process of the satellite's return, but I can still act cool in front of my dear aunt.

After going back, the biggest trouble would be at most being given a cold look by Uncle Jinghong and scolded for being useless, then getting tapped on the head by Xie Lao Si and having his ears pulled by Auntie Xie.

He only took this trip, being pointed at with a gun and forced onto a helicopter, as a special way to go home.

To his utter astonishment, the farther he flew in the plane, the farther he was from home.

Hainan Province, located in the South China Sea, is a shining pearl of China. It is the second largest island in the country and the province with the smallest land area and the largest marine area in China.

The Guangdong province is located near the Hawaiian Islands of the United States in similar latitudes. Along its 1,528-kilometer coastline, there are abundant tourism resources that can be developed into world-class tourist destinations. The island enjoys a pleasant climate year-round with birdsong and flowers blooming in every season. It is rich in mineral and plant resources, particularly with substantial reserves of petroleum and natural gas. The tropical rainforests and mangrove forests nurtured here are rare forest types in China.

Because the Nanhai Province is located at the southernmost end of China's vast territory, it borders South Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei and other countries across the sea.

Therefore, it has been called "the ends of the earth" since ancient times.

One of the three major mountain ranges in Nanhai Province, Yingge Ling boasts lush vegetation and breathtaking natural scenery. The main peak, Yingzui Peak, is particularly stunning, showcasing a unique blend of strangeness, danger, elegance, and beauty.

However, Parrot's Beak Island is currently the only place in the South China Sea that the government has not developed.

Even, within ten kilometers of Mount Parrot's Peak, visitors are forbidden from approaching.

Because this is a military restricted area.

The unique and important geographic location of Nanhai Province determines the number of troops stationed there by the Hua Xia government.

Unless it's an excessively popular tourist destination, almost every location will have a military presence.

But there was no military restricted zone with a garrison as large and imposing as Parrot's Ridge.

Along the only goat path leading to Parrot's Beak Peak, there are several signs written in cinnabar, warning "Military restricted area, trespassers keep out." In the bright sunlight, they look especially ominous and chilling.

Here, this is the top-secret training base for China's elite special forces.

According to those "well-informed" locals, the entire belly of Yingzi Mountain has been hollowed out. Inside the mountain, there is a tunnel that leads directly to the sea. At the tunnel's exit, there are several submarines, and so on.

After setting off from Green Mountain to the northern frontier, and then taking a helicopter to leave via a detour, Li Nanfang, who had been missing for nearly five days in front of the world, was now at Yingzui Peak.

Li Nanfang couldn't have imagined in his dreams that he would be brought to such a place.

Even with a helmet on his head, after getting off the plane, he wanted to take a breath of fresh mountain air, but when he inhaled the humid sea breeze of the tropics, he thought he had been in the desert for too long and his sense of smell was abnormal.

Even after taking off the hood and being locked up in a prison cell, he still thought it was the Qing Shan Women's Prison.

However, that fantasy soon vanished.

Because the soldiers guarding him did not bring him a prisoner's uniform, but gave him a set of soldier training camouflage.

The embroidered words "Hainan Military Region, Certain Unit" on his shoulders left Li Nanshan utterly dumbfounded for the rest of his life.

His clothes, even his underwear, were provided by the military.

As for the phone and the spirit blade that should have been returned to him after the mission—I'm sorry, the military will temporarily keep it for you. The superior said they'll give it back to you when the time comes.

In the face of his own situation, Li Nanfang could only wryly smile.

He believed that his arrival here must be closely related to the arrangements of Jing Hongming.

As for the reason, it will be known sooner or later. Why bother so much about it

Luckily, this isn't a real prison.

As for the delicious food and drinks, needless to say. There are also complimentary high-grade cigarettes provided, which he smokes with.

If another "no smoking" order were to be issued, Li Nanshan wouldn't know how to get through these days.

Today is his third day at the Nanhai Longteng base.

The cell window was false, able to see the sky outside where all sorts of military helicopters flew at any given time.

The surrounding cells were constantly filled and emptied, with people being brought in and out at all times.

Only three days had passed, and the other cells seemed to be full of people, but his cell remained empty. He was the only one here without a cellmate.

This morning, as Li Nanfang was accustomed to, he looked out the window at the sky. With a click, the door of his cell swung open.

A thin, emaciated and shifty young man was pushed in.

Like your hot aunt please everyone collect: (twfanti.) Your hot aunt update speed is the just like that. However, before this, everything she did for herself was also selfless. No matter what Ye Fan wanted to do, she would unconditionally support him. Ye Fan felt that returning to Linh...