The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 341: Tea House Negotiations


injured her again Then several beauties would gang up on him and accuse him. How could she bear thatTherefore, the body only slightly shifted aside, not even using the most basic residual image fist,..."Where to" Ye Fan took out a cigarette and lit it, taking a leisurely puff.

"Go eat." Liu Qin turned her head and glanced at Ye Fan, as if she had noticed something. She suddenly giggled.

"What are you laughing at" Ye Fan frowned. It was rare for Liu Qin to smile, especially not like this, looking at him and laughing. He had rarely seen her smile like that before. But when she smiled, it was indeed beautiful, especially those dimples, which were even more captivating.

After stealing a kiss and not even bothering to tidy up, are you trying to tell me you have someone else Liu Qin gave Ye Fan a meaningful look, her face involuntarily flushing red.

Ye Fan frowned, but immediately realized what had happened. He reached out and touched his left cheek, then when he looked at his hand, there was a clear red lipstick mark on it.

The lipstick mark must have been left by Wang Yan. She fled her office in a hurry just now and didn't even have time to check for any traces left behind. Who would have thought she was seen by Liu Qin at the first moment, and she was ridiculed.

But Ye Fan just shrugged, naturally pulled out a tissue, wiped the lipstick mark from his face in front of the car mirror, and casually explained: "A girl from our class secretly kissed me today and forgot to wipe off the lipstick mark."

Liu Qin's expression was a little unnatural. She shook her head and said softly, "Actually, you don't need to explain."

"Well, I just want to say that I am a very well-behaved college student," Ye Fan thought for a moment, feeling that he really was a good student.

"Hahaha," Liu Qin couldn't help but laugh a few times and said, "I've never seen someone with such thick skin. You claim to be a good student yourself. Hey, at least try to erase the evidence before lying, okay"

"To tell you that you were kissed, that's a place for an affair." Ye Fan had an innocent face, but his heart was a little uneasy. It is said that a woman's mind is the most sensitive. Whether you had an affair, she could see it at a glance,

"There's a strand of woman's hair on your collar, remember to take it off." Liu Qin continued driving, her expression gradually calming down as she said in a light tone, "Also, when you hugged me just now, there was a faint scent of perfume on you. Unless you've been with a woman all the time, how do you explain this smell"

Ye Fan opened his mouth, but could only say in a very rogue manner: "Hey, you're interrogating me like I'm your boyfriend. We don't have any relationship at all!"

"I never said we had anything going on." Liu Qin rolled her eyes at Ye Fan. But she didn't seem to give up on the opportunity to tease him, continuing, "Come on, is it with a female teacher Or did you go and mess around with a girl in the girls' dormitory"

Ye Fan looked at Liu Qin with a strange expression, smoking with a bit of bitterness. He thought to himself, what's wrong with women today, each one acting like a judge.

"Never would I have thought that the young master of the Ye family came to Linhai University just for picking up girls." Liu Qin was focused on driving, but she casually let out such a sentence.

Ye Fan's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he immediately straightened his body. The playful expression on his face had long since disappeared, replaced by a look of seriousness.

"The Young Master of the Ye Family" Ye Fan opened his car window and tossed out his cigarette butt, then asked with a puzzled look, "What are you talking about I don't understand."

"Could it be that you still have something hidden from me" Liu Qin parked the car in front of a Chinese restaurant and turned her head, staring intently at Ye Fan. Her clear eyes held a look that wanted to see through Ye Fan. However, she was disappointed.

Ye Fan also looked at her calmly, without any panic or hesitation. Just that kind of calmness and composure. After experiencing so much brutal training, if he were to be seen through by Liu Qin like this, then Ye Fan's previous years would have been in vain.

A slight sigh escaped her lips, and Liu Qin hesitated. Because what she saw was Ye Fan's puzzled expression and quiet gaze.

"Why are you lying to me" Liu Qin looked at him with a resentful expression, biting her lip and asking.

"What did I lie to you about" Ye Fan said with a complicated expression, helplessly. "Beauty, speaking nonsense is legally responsible. First, I didn't deceive you into bed, and second, I didn't get you pregnant. How can you say I lied to you"

Hearing Ye Fan's words, Liu Qin couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth, looking at this rogue with a complicated expression. There was a mischievous smile on his face, but she didn't feel good about it. She bit her lip, a little angrily: "If you were to deceive me into bed, I'd admit it. But..."

At this point, she stopped and couldn't go on.

"Oh, I know what you're going to say." Ye Fan had already understood that Liu Qin probably knew everything. However, she had only seen some indications and didn't know his true details. He reached out and gently rubbed her delicate nose, smiling and saying, "What did you think was going on It's like this, the head of the military region is a good friend of mine's grandfather. And... it's a girl."

"It's your words that I find believable," Liu Qin reached out, opening Ye Fan's hand that was continuing to touch her cheek. She spoke with a complex expression.

“Every word I say is the truth.” Ye Fan said seriously, “I have no reason to lie to you. If I had that kind of background, do you think I would still be in Linhai City Back when your Nanyong Gang tried to assassinate me secretly, I could have already gotten people to wipe you out.”

But Ye Fan's explanation made Liu Qin a little uncertain. Perhaps, it was really as Ye Fan said

"Don't overthink it. I know you still want to ask about that mysterious expert, right That's just the girl's brother. He happened to be by the sea and helped me out. " Ye Fan took advantage of Liu Qin's daydreaming opportunity and lightly pinched her cheek while she was distracted, smiling and saying: "Come on, little girl, smile. Look at you, when you smile, you're so beautiful. Why do you have to make yourself look so complicated"

Liu Qin let Ye Fan pinch her face, but she was a little flustered inside. When talking to Ye Fan, she kept observing his expressions and changes in eyes. Unfortunately, she didn't find any of the expressions she wanted to see.

Could it really be as Ye Fan said, just his friend's grandfather

"Come on, stop thinking about it, let's go eat." Ye Fan reached out and touched her hair, then opened the car door and got out.

Inside the car, Liu Qin took a deep breath before getting out.

When they reached the door, the concierge opened it for them. Upon seeing Liu Qin, the waiter visibly froze for a moment, then respectfully said, “Miss Liu, you’ve arrived.”

This restaurant is within the territory of the Nalong Gang and has always been under their protection. The doorman naturally recognizes this well-known daughter of the Nalong Gang. Although she retired from the gang three years ago, no one has ever dared to underestimate her.

Liu Qin just nodded. At that moment, she was a formidable big sister again. Just then, Ye Fan clearly felt two gazes sweep over the two of them in the restaurant

The Lone Wolf's Works Column:y good, and there were too many students here.His bad reputation has been made notorious by Li Qiang. I'm afraid that no student here wouldn't be scared to see me. It's best to avoid places like this...