The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 587: Cooperation Breakdown


Luckily, I managed to miss it. Otherwise, Ye Fan suddenly remembered Shan Shan's pitiful look and couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her.Auntie Zheng once said that Shan Shan is actually a...The whole city immediately had two intelligence systems working. Ren Zhihua had laid out his plan in South Africa for many years, but he mostly followed the upper routes. While Andre followed the lower routes, directly dealing with local gangs, making it easy to obtain firsthand information.

After giving his orders, Ye Fan lit a cigar and had Andre find him an SUV. Then, driven by Tutu, the two of them left the estate first. As for Andre, he stayed at the estate, waiting for Ye Fan's instructions at any time.

Before leaving, Ye Fan asked Andre to pay special attention to Sami's movements. Ye Fan had a vague feeling that the ninjas from the island nation coming to South Africa at this time was most likely related to this mission. Then, their first point of contact could also be Sami.

Especially, as Ye Fan and Kunka signed various agreements, Sami, who gradually reacted, definitely wouldn't be reconciled to his power waning increasingly in South Africa.

Sammi was originally the U.S.'s agent in South Africa, and the U.S. wouldn't be willing to see the Xia Dynasty and Kunka successfully complete their mission. In this case, the arrival of the ninjas is intriguing.

After leaving Ander's manor, Ye Fan let Tutu drive around the streets. He sat in the passenger seat, silently watching the scenery outside the window.

South Africa, not being a coastal city, still has a significant gap in its architecture. Moreover, various criminal incidents can be easily found on the streets. Due to insufficient police force, the security environment here is particularly poor. This leads to a problem: this city is filled with gangs of all sizes, and many large gangs even possess advanced firearms.

On this magical land, there are still many mercenary organizations. TuTu's Dark Phantom has branches in Africa, controlling several mercenary teams. And the Dark Phantom was the earliest to develop on this land.

However, the main strength of the dark specters is currently shifted to Southern Europe. There, large and small mercenary organizations have sprung up again. With wars between tribes, and disruptive figures like Kunka existing, leading to a large number of mercenaries wandering around.

Therefore, this region has never been short of well-trained mercenaries.

This was such a complex area, what were the ninja from the Sannin group doing here Although Ye Fan had some suspicions about Sami, he believed more that the target of the ninjas this time was himself. After all, when he left Linhai, he arranged for people from the Southern Dragon Gang to kill Fujiwara Kojiro. And Fujiwara Kojiro was the chief advisor, Fujiwara Ika, of the Sannin group.

The Sannin, possessing the largest ninja organization in the island nation, have become renowned underground forces in Southeast Asia and globally. This fame is inextricably linked to the skilled ninjas they cultivate.

Especially their Jonin, individual combat strength is terrifyingly high. Even high-level Jonin can rival a soldier from the Wolf Fang.

Or are they aiming for themselves Did Fujiwara no Kawara bring these ninjas to take revenge on his son


A deep and intense killing intent flashed across Ye Fan's face. Since the ninjas had already come to his door, then it was time to start a massacre in South Africa!

Ye Fan seemed aimless, letting Tu Tu drive around randomly. But if you looked closely, Ye Fan was carefully observing the comings and goings on the street. After walking for about two hours, Ye Fan got out of the car to buy a pack of cigarettes, then had Tu Tu take him to a random hotel and checked into a room inside.

Ye Fan discovered that shortly after he got out of the car to buy cigarettes, someone had followed his car. And they always kept a distance, without catching up. When Ye Fan and Tutu entered the hotel, the car didn't disappear, but instead more people appeared around it, seemingly monitoring the direction of the hotel.

Entering the hotel room, Ye Fan pulled over a chair and sat by the window, pulling open the curtains to observe the outside.

"Ye, do you need me to do anything" At this time, Tutu took the initiative to sit beside Ye Fan and said.

"Tonight, let's go kill someone together." Ye Fan took out the cigarettes he had bought and offered one to Tutu.

Tu Tu took the cigarette, cracked a smile at Ye Fan and said, "Killing is interesting, I like it."

Ye Fan smiled faintly, looking at the few cars parked outside the hotel. A flash of killing intent passed through his eyes. Since he and Tutu entered the hotel, these cars with local license plates had been parked there. The black men on the cars would come down from time to time and wander around.

This must be a local mixed-race person. Why are they following me Ye Fan seemed to have grasped some information in his heart.

"Tut Tut, look, those people down there, they are our prey today." Ye Fan took a puff of cigarette and pointed at the black people below.

Tututu's eyes flashed a cold light, he glanced over the crowd, then nodded and said: "Ten seconds, I can take them all down."

"They're just some thugs, the real mastermind is still lurking in the shadows." Ye Fan's voice hardened. After selling cigarettes outside and parking his car, he was followed. It seemed this was no longer just about ninjas.

Ninjas don't have that much power to make local gangs do their bidding immediately. The ones tracking him now are clearly a local gang. They must have received the information beforehand, which is why they were able to follow Ye Fan right away.

At this time, he had some vague ideas in his mind.

At this time, it was past noon. Ye Fan took a few puffs of smoke and then took out a banknote from his pocket and handed it to Tu Tu, saying: "Tu Tu, go to the supermarket outside and buy some food. If someone wants to approach you, don't kill them, just see what they are really like."

Tu Tu had been in Africa for a long time, and although he wasn't a local, his intelligence gathering abilities were indeed formidable. Ye Fan sent him to buy food, intending to investigate the people who were following him. He wanted to know their motives and background.

Tu Tu quickly understood Ye Fan's meaning, nodded, then took the money and walked out of the room.

After TuTu left, Ye Fan stood by the window, watching the movement downstairs. The people tracking him were obviously not professionals. They didn't seem to be afraid of being exposed at all. The way they surveilled was so arrogant, they looked like a bunch of hooligans.

Sami, ninjas, local gangs ~, soon, Ye Fan's mind popped out these three words. These three seem to have a connection, but it's not quite connected.

Just at that moment, Ye Fan's phone rang. It was Andre calling.

"Great War God, your servant has a latest piece of information to report to you." On the phone, Andre's way of speaking didn't change much. However, knowing that Ye Fan was angry, his tone still became a bit heavy.

"Go ahead."

Ye Fan smiled and spoke. At this time, he gradually calmed down. Knowing that his anger just now had brought a lot of pressure to the friends around him.

"It seems Sami has left here." Andre said coldly into the phone. Ye Fan had asked him to keep an eye on Sami's movements earlier, and he immediately dispatched someone to contact Sami, but it seemed Sami wasn't in South' faces were pale. How much strength would it take Was his head made of iron How could he make such a commotion with that impactWith just that, his head would probably be crushed to smithereens.But...