The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 734: The Death Trio


or this election. 。At this critical juncture, the turmoil in Linhai City cannot continue. 。Furthermore, in a multi-party interest game, someone must be held responsible for this. 。And the two people Y...Ye Fan pulled out a box from the front of the car. He unzipped it, and a heavy weapon stood proudly inside. They had practiced countless times, forming a tacit understanding between them. They didn't need many words; sometimes, just an ordinary look was enough for them to understand each other's thoughts.

This is what they left behind on the frontier back then. They were called the Death Duo for sweeping up the gangs on the frontier, and they had accumulated quite a lot of heavy weaponry. When they attacked the Sun Xia family, they used these things. Unexpectedly, just a few days later, they used them again.

"The old way" Ye Fan grabbed a rocket launcher.

The fat man, however, had already picked up an assault rifle and said nonchalantly, "Of course."

Their tactic was for the fat man to serve as cover while Ye Fan led the assault, using his heavy weaponry to deliver a fierce barrage against the enemy!

"Wait for me!" A piercing screech of brakes echoed, followed by a grinding halt. Out of the Humvee stepped a dashing super soldier under everyone's watchful gaze. His face was stern, his eyes cold and calculating, radiating an invisible aura of power with every step he took.

"I think after this, we should be called the Death Trio." Ye Fan smiled.

The fat man, however, said: "Your bodyguard is much more handsome than you."

This man, naturally, is Tutu. After sending Miao Rou to Peking Union Medical College, he came here without stopping. Where one falls, they must get up there. He was ambushed by members of the Little Knife Society and the Green Gang that day, sustaining multiple gunshot wounds that almost killed him. This rare opportunity today, of course, he wouldn't miss.

Tutu also picked up a submachine gun and joined in. The members of the Si Xi Gang watched them enthusiastically. Were they really going to challenge the entire Xiao Dao Hui with just three people These three were too awesome!

They also wanted to be like these three, but they knew their own abilities. If they went up, not to mention dying and losing their lives, they would also embarrass Little Knife. Therefore, they could only silently cheer for the three in their hearts.

Ye Fan fired the first shot, "Action!"

The Xia Dao Guild, which had fortified every key point with an impenetrable defense, was suddenly breached by heavy weaponry. They continuously sent people to plug the hole, but suddenly three super warriors stood there, their weapons spewing enticing flames, arrogantly harvesting everyone's lives.

The wielder of the small knives was steadily retreating, their firepower was no match for these three. Their weapons were simply too powerful!

Especially that person in the middle, carrying two RPG-8 rocket launchers, every rocket fired takes away a group of lives, they are simply terrifying!

Those skilled with the blade fear not death, for they can defend their last shred of dignity with their lives. Yet these three men, they harvested the lives of their brothers with such reckless abandon across a vast scale that even these fearless warriors felt a chill run down their spines. They retreated, step by hesitant step...

Li Si rushed in, his voice frantic. "Wolf Master, the Si Xi gang suddenly sent out three assassins, their killing techniques are incredibly sharp, we can't even catch a glimpse of them! What's worse, they wield the most advanced heavy weaponry. Over a hundred brothers have died at their hands, and they’ve opened a gaping hole in our defenses. Wolf Master, what do we do now"

Three people Could they create such a stir Bai Lang was stunned by Li Si's words. It seemed he had misjudged not only the background of the Four Joy Gang but also their own strength! Bai Lang hadn't expected this at all!

"Gather all the brothers, abandon all other excuses, let's take care of these three first!" The White Wolf suddenly glared with fierce eyes. If they could drag these three down, then even if their Little Knife gang was destroyed, so what

Li Si hesitated, "Give up other defenses Even if we can take them down, our Xia Dao would definitely be killed by the people of the Si Xi gang."

"You have no chance!" A cold, clear voice suddenly rang out, followed by three figures marching in unison into the hall.

"You..." Li Si looked at the three of them in terror. He couldn't believe that these three people could break through his defenses so quickly and reach his core.

"Your people are all under our control. Do you still have a chance" Ye Fan carried the rocket launcher and said coldly.

After they had created a gap, Lang Si seized the opportunity and ordered the Four Joy Gang to launch a surprise attack. They poured into the opening where the Small Knife Society was concentrating their forces, instantly disrupting their formation and causing them to collapse. The rout spread rapidly, and in just an instant, the entire Small Knife Society lost its offensive capability and came under the control of the Four Joy Gang.

The gunfire outside had ceased, everyone knew the final outcome was inevitable, they were just waiting silently for his arrival.

"No! You... you are devils..." Li Si screamed crazily, he couldn't believe that Xiao Dao would end up like this.

At Ye Fan's signal, TuTu easily carried Li Si aside. Everyone completely ignored Li Si's existence!

"I never expected you to be this strong." The white wolf, sitting on the golden throne, said sincerely to the three of them. Though he knew the situation was hopeless, he didn't appear too flustered.

Is there still a fighting spirit, or has he long since seen through life and death

No one answered him, only looked at him coldly.

The white wolf suddenly laughed, a desolate laugh. "I've always prided myself on my intelligence and strategic thinking, planning meticulously before acting. Never did I think I'd fall to the Si Xi gang. I was wrong, terribly wrong..."

“I didn't expect the Ye family and Chen family to react so strongly, openly confronting us like this. And at this time, the Yan family sided with them. Actually, these are not the crucial factors that led to Xiao Dao's downfall. The most important factor is that I had no idea about your true strength. Your own abilities are what caused my failure this time!”

The white wolf finally spoke the words that had been weighing on his heart. He had held them in for too long, sitting on his golden throne all day, endlessly pondering why he had failed. Finally, he reached his conclusion.

It wasn't that his own decisions were wrong, but he never really knew the opponent's true strength from the beginning to the end!

While the other party had him figured out completely!

This is the real reason he lost.

"Done talking" Ye Fan looked at the white wolf.

"It's over." The white wolf remained calm.

Then you can go die.

"I have a request."

Ye Fan smiled, the victor proposes demands, while the loser makes requests. That's probably the difference between victors and losers.

"I think you've gotten something wrong. It's not that I want you dead now, it's that you have to die." Ye Fan said matter-of-factly.

"No, you misunderstand. I just want to choose how I die. I think you should agree to that, don't you" said the White Wolf.

Ye Fan looked at the fat man, seeing that he didn't seem to care, so he said, "Okay."

"Thank you." The white wolf shifted in the golden chair, finding a very comfortable position, then slowly closed his eyes, holding the gun aimed at his own head... little about this series of reagents. They were said to have been researched by a person called Dr. L, somewhat similar to Liu He, but with a greater effect. Of course, the side effects were also sev...