The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 803: Shameless


't bear it anymore. Anonymous tips started pouring in.The beauty's apartment was less than 500 meters away. To avoid alarming the target, Bai Feng decided not to drive her police car or use the siren;...Fang Biao turned back in surprise, but his eyes narrowed. He saw his arch-nemesis, Qin Biao!

Qin Biao also saw Fang Biao, but he just glared fiercely at him and walked towards Ye Fan's side, not even looking at him!

Seeing Qin Biao, Ye Fan faintly said: "Brother Biao, there hasn't been any movement from the police station, right"

Fang Biao thought to himself, "This Qin fellow is indeed a lucky one! He has Ye Fan as his backer!"

Qin Biao's face turned pale, and he kept bowing his head repeatedly, looking extremely frightened. "Sir Fan, please don't tease me anymore. If the leader of our Liu Gang hears you call me 'Biao Ge,' she'll skin me alive! Just call me Xiao Biao, if you please."

Ye Fan smiled and said nothing, while Fang Biao's heart sank. Damn it, who the hell is this guy He kept calling him "Brother Biao," but Qin Biao acted like his grandson in front of him. Qin Biao's killing methods were well-known on the street, even more famous than his own. When had he ever seen him behave so obsequiously towards anyone

This jerk isn't even human...

Qin Biao nodded to Ye Fan after seeing him, and his heart finally settled down. He continued, "The police station hasn't made any moves yet, we've all said hello, so I don't think there will be too much trouble."

This time, the two gangs clashed in a shootout, and it happened at a hospital in the middle of the city. The impact could be big or small, depending on how you report it.

Of course, the police department in the city wouldn't ignore this, but the Nanlong gang has always had close ties with these institutions. I believe they wouldn't make too much of a fuss.

Just as Qin Biao's voice fell, a sudden alarm sounded all around. The deafening sound of sirens came from all directions, covering the sky and earth. In no time, the siren reached downstairs, clearly aimed at this hospital!

Qin Biao frowned. They had already contacted Huang, the chief of the Bingbao Police Station, and he assured them that he would not interfere in this matter. In this struggle with the Qingyi Society, thanks to Huang's protection, things were much smoother. Otherwise, dealing with the police station alone would have been a headache.

But why would there be sirens downstairs Could they be coming for them

Just as Qin Biao was thinking, suddenly a loud speaker outside boomed, "People inside, listen up! You are surrounded by us. Put down your weapons and surrender! People inside, listen..."

Such voices rose and fell, constantly repeating, the people in the hospital could hear them distinctly. For a moment, both patients and doctors and nurses alike rushed out of the building, assuming that some terrorist had taken hostages inside, shouting as they ran downstairs.

"Fang Biao, if you want a fight, have a fight! You actually called the police You're not even tough enough to be on the streets" Qin Biao suddenly glared at Fang Biao. He hadn't called the police himself; these officers must have been sent by people from the Qingyi Society.

"Fang Biao just spread his hands and smiled wryly, "Unless I don't want to mix on the road anymore. I still understand the rules of the road, I guarantee these people were not called by me."

Qin Biao was dumbfounded this time. It wasn't someone from the Qingyi Society who called him, nor did he call them himself. Could it be that these police officers really saw a gang fight and came on their own When did they change their personality He didn't receive Huang team leader's phone call beforehand at all.

"As the movement over there grew louder and louder, Ye Fan smiled and said, “Let’s go down and take a look. If we wait any longer, we might alarm them and have the Flying Tigers come out with tear gas to force us down.” Saying that, he stood up and walked out first."

Although Qin Biao had many doubts, he still followed Ye Fan out.

Although Fang Biao wasn't from the same camp as Ye Fan and Qin Biao, he had instigated this situation. He stubbornly followed them regardless.

After going downstairs, Ye Fan saw dozens of police cars and officers with pistols, all pointing in this direction like they were preparing for a counter-terrorism drill that he had seen countless times on TV.

"Well, looks like we're pretty popular!" Ye Fan smiled and walked out first.

Qin Biao and Fang Biao followed behind him silently, then came the younger brothers brought by Fang Biao and Qin Biao. They normally wouldn't walk together at all, but now they were miraculously walking together in silence. It has to be said that this was all thanks to the police station.

"What are you doing Hands up, get down on the ground! Hey, do you hear me... don't come any closer or I'll shoot!"

A man who looked like a member of a squad saw Ye Fan walking towards him with a smile, and instantly became very nervous. His face turned pale, and cold sweat kept dripping down his forehead. He suddenly felt his heart beating rapidly.

"Captain, don't be so nervous. Don't shake your hands like that, you might accidentally discharge your weapon." Ye Fan said as he approached the captain, smiling at him.

“You…you…” The squad leader stammered for a long time but couldn't utter a single word. They were used to being pampered and their biggest case was arresting a few gamblers. Events like this gang firefight were completely outside their purview, they wouldn't even touch it, let alone handle it. Because he knew that these gangsters usually had real people behind them! These gangs typically involved dozens or hundreds fighting at once, while the police department only had a dozen or so officers. How could they possibly fight those vicious criminals

And today, for some unknown reason, the newly appointed Director of Nanyang District Bureau, Hong Changfeng, had been in office for less than three days, but he issued a shocking order to their Nanyang District: to arrest underworld gangsters at the hospital. Director Hong said that today's operation was a collective action, with almost all district bureaus in the city participating, so he needn't be afraid.

But could he be fearless He was only twenty years old, and he didn't even have a wife yet. What if these ruthless gangsters chopped him up What would happen then

Therefore, when he saw Ye Fan and several Black Earth big brothers walking out together, his hand holding the gun was shaking. His gun had been drawn for several years, but he hadn't fired a single shot. He even forgot how to fire at these people, watching helplessly as Ye Fan and the others walked right up to him.

And his subordinates were mostly the same as their squad leader, timid and none dared to fire a shot.

"Hey, who sent you here" Qin Biao wasn't as well-mannered as Ye Fan and barked at the small captain rudely.

He spoke as if to someone of lower rank, not giving the little captain any face at all.

The small team leader was actually intimidated by his aura and involuntarily took a step back, but couldn't utter a single word.

Ye Fan frowned and shouted at Qin Biao, "How do you speak to this officer Do you think he's your little brother You have no manners at all."

Qin Biao hurriedly replied that he was.

Ye Fan smiled pleasantly at the police officer and said, "You don't need to be nervous. We won't do anything to you. You just need to tell me why you came here today, what you came to do, and who sent you. After that, you can leave..." Ye Fan said with a smile.

He said this, making many people ashamed, even Fang Biao was sweating profusely. What kind of person is this Facing so many police officers, he still speaks with such arrogance

"We..." The little captain's eyes were welling up with tears, about to burst. Under Ye Fan's earnest guidance, he was almost ready to confess everything that happened today.clash with the police, so she chose to go alone.She was undoubtedly right about this, but her mistake was being too complacent. This was clearly a trap set by Ye Fan for himself. If he hadn't moved,...