The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 899: First Failure


Since the fat man was looking for death himself, he would just fulfill him.Ye Fan glanced at the Fatty, without saying a word. He knew the Fatty's skill best. Although Tie Xiong was not what he used...Ye Fan couldn't help but think of that warrior-level organization with strict divisions, he thought of the scene where those so-called B-class warriors led by Koizumi Jiro had surrounded him, and he thought of the death of Koizumi Jiro.

Ye Fan couldn't help but pick up his phone again and bring out the pattern that Kiso Koizumi had drawn on the ground before his death. Ye Fan stared at it for a long time. What did this circle mean What was its significance Could it be related to the person who killed Kiso Koizumi

Ye Fan was certain that the person who killed Koizumi Jiro must be someone from this Blood Alliance. Koizumi Jiro was an extremely timid person. If he fell into Ye Fan's hands, he would most likely reveal everything he knew in order to save his life.

And they probably didn't want to know anything from Kozue's mouth, so they resorted to murder to silence him. Before he died, Kozue must have seen the person who shot him, which is why he struggled with all his might to draw a circle on the ground. That is to say, only by cracking Kozue's circle can we find out the true members of the Blood Pact and thus learn about their real conspiracy.

Ye Fan was a little excited for a moment. He had seen where the breakthrough lay, at least knowing a direction that could allow him to focus his energy on breaking through.

Before that, shouldn't we establish our own armed force Perhaps, like Smith's thirty-strong squad.

Ye Fan's mind flashed with Smith's thirty fearless mercenaries. He knew these were all Smith's private wealth.

Perhaps, this matter can be left to Tutu to plan carefully.

Before that, Ye Fan didn't think it was necessary to thoroughly understand this Blood Alliance. After all, for a period of time in the future, it might be his biggest opponent's organization.

He took out his phone and dialed a number he hadn't called in ages.

Now, Andre was having fun with two Belarusian women on a super large bed. It was the most crucial moment of the sprint, the Belarusian woman pinned down on the bed let out wave after wave of moans, which made Andre incredibly excited. Andre was like a sprinter running the 100 meters, waiting for the final moment to break through the finish line. At this very moment, his phone suddenly rang.

"You!" Andre snatched the phone and cursed, "By the great name of Satan, I swear, whoever you are, dare to interfere with my good deeds, I will make your life worse than death."

"Andre, stop doing x," a deep voice said over the phone.

"Oh, Satan, how did you know I was doing X You're the great war god," Andre sprang away from the two women who were grumbling in displeasure. He sat upright and laughed heartily, "My great war god, haven't you changed your mind Are you going to lead the lost Andre back to dominate Europe's underworld Oh, Satan, I'm so excited, I've been waiting for this day for too long."

“I need information about the Blood Alliance, the kind with all the insider details. Is that a problem” Ye Fan cut off Andrel’s daydreams directly.

If someone interrupted his fantasy, Andre would definitely take that person's life. However, when it was the God of War, he didn't even show a hint of displeasure. It seemed like he was used to it. He immediately became serious and said into the phone: "It's the God of War, no problem, I'll arrange it right away~". After hanging up the phone, Andre made several calls to his subordinates. Intelligence officers stationed all over the world were running at 200% efficiency.

As the world's largest arms dealer, he would usually have dedicated intelligence contacts all over the world. Their information was quite reliable, which is why Ye Fan sought him out for information about the Blood Alliance.

Ye Fan didn't worry about Andrei's efficiency at all. Having worked with him so many times, he had never once been late. This was one of the reasons Ye Fan chose Andrei over others.

Ye Fan leaned against the roadside, pulled out a cigarette, slowly lit it and took a deep breath. His mind was racing. The reason he didn't go to the Beijing branch of the Communist Youth League to inquire about the Blood Alliance was that he knew, even if he asked, there wouldn't be much breakthrough. The CYL had great influence within the Empire and understood domestic information very well. However, when facing large international organizations like the Blood Alliance, they were unable to penetrate them.

While Andre and his team were different. His arms trade reached all over the world, and usually for such world-class organizations, he would have a fairly complete set of data on them, which was also an important basis for them to quickly choose partners worldwide.

As expected, before Ye Fan had finished his first cigarette, Andre's phone call came in.

"My most glorious War God, your most loyal servant begs for forgiveness. Please forgive me for failing to complete the task you entrusted to me," Let Ye Fan be astonished, he actually heard Andre's slightly dejected voice.

You have to know, Andre is the biggest arms dealer in Sha'er, and even globally, he's one of the top few arms tycoons. In Ye Fan's impression, he has always been loud and passionate, but now, his voice is clearly filled with helplessness and decadence. This made Ye Fan's heart sink, he had a very ominous premonition.

"Cut to the chase," Ye Fan interrupted him, asking bluntly.

"Yes, Great War God, my information database does not contain any data on the Blood Alliance," Andre replied with newfound efficiency. However, Ye Fan could still detect his astonishment from his tone.

Actually, at this moment Andre's heart was more filled with anger than surprise.

His recent arms deal in an island nation was raided by a group of unidentified individuals, resulting in heavy losses for Andre in that transaction.

André was furious, how could he tolerate someone daring to challenge his dignity.

He immediately assembled his men and went to the island nation to confront them. To Andre's astonishment, these people were clearly professionally trained. It was more accurate to call them mercenaries than bandits.

Because, whether in his methods of killing or the qualities he displayed during firefights, Andre was so methodical and organized. Despite Andre's massive investment of manpower and resources, he still couldn't overcome the group of desperate bandits who occupied the island. Finally, unable to bear such heavy casualties, Andre had to grit his teeth and withdraw from the island. Naturally, the arms trade on the island fell into the hands of those people. This caused Andre not only a huge loss of personnel but also a massive financial loss.

To the reader:

I'm about to reach chapter 900. Well, I recommend a book called "The Strongest Young Master". Also, please vote for my new story and give it recommendations. There will be another chapter tomorrow morning, chapter 900.e knew what his son was talking about. His son had always been a flirt; he'd done this sort of thing before. But back then, there were no outsiders present, and he doted on his son so much that he sim...