The Lone Wolf works

Chapter 943: Cold Smile (Eight Updates)


was well aware of what these people were like.Just as I stepped out of the bar, I saw a young man in his twenties walking towards me from the direction of the school gate. As he walked, he kept glanc...Tie Guangtou couldn't help but raise his evaluation of Ye Fan in his heart. However, even so, Ye Fan was doomed today. He had just accumulated power in his hand, with iron fist and iron head, he was as powerful as the sect master. It wouldn't be easy for anyone to defeat him.

At the moment he collapsed from exhaustion, Tie Guangtou's lips involuntarily curled into a cold smile.

This smile, however, was seen through by Ye Fan. He was puzzled in his heart, wondering if this bald man's smile meant he still had a secret weapon.

Ye Fan hadn't even had time to think, when the bald man already landed with one hand on the ground, then his body rose into the air again, and with a sudden ghost-like hand, he grabbed towards Ye Fan's chest.

This bald guy is really ruthless, every move is deadly. Does he really want to take himself out in one move

Ye Fan felt that this bald man's hand seemed a bit strange. He didn't want to take any risks, what if he was caught and there was some poison on his hand

Faced with no other choice, Ye Fan could only retreat again and again. However, his previous attack had already forced him to retreat ten meters or so. Now he was almost against a wall, truly with nowhere left to go.

Ye Fan could only sidestep narrowly, while Tie Guangtou's grab landed squarely on the wall behind him. Ye Fan's heart lurched because after Tie Guangtou's hand passed over it, five horrifying fingerprints were left on the wall.

Each one sank into the wall half an inch.

Ye Fan's heart sank again. What kind of kung fu did this bald head practice It seemed like his whole body was as hard as steel. How could he possibly win a fight like this

Could it be that he, like the Iron Bear, practiced the external kung fu of Tiebu Shan

Ye Fan was upset. Why were all the opponents he encountered these days so troublesome

Ye Fan could only retreat again and again, dodging constantly. But Tie Guangtou seemed to have him figured out, relentlessly pursuing him, his attacks coming faster and harder with each blow. Ye Fan could only parry without being able to fight back.

Behind him was another dead wall.

Ye Fan never thought he would be beaten to this point. From the start of his fight with this bald man, he had only been on the defensive, constantly shrinking and being forced into a corner.

Ye Fan's anger flared instantly. In his career, he had encountered countless masters, and he believed there were many who were more skilled than this bald man. However, he had never been pushed to such a point before. Ye Fan felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

"Ah!" he suddenly shouted, wanting to vent the anger that was building up inside him.

Ye Fan's sudden shout really startled Tie Guangtou, who was in the midst of his attack. He thought Ye Fan was about to unleash some powerful move or weapon, so he immediately stopped his frantic assault and went into full defense, watching Ye Fan's every move.

But after Ye Fan shouted that, he didn't move at all.

"I don't think you scared me with that little trick of yours," Tie Guangtou sneered with a smile. "It's just empty threats! This time, you're going to die!"

After that, another round of attacks like a violent storm and rain began. Attack, attack, only constant attacks could be the best defense.

This is the unchangeable truth that Tie Guangtou believes in.

Seeing his iron claw come again, Ye Fan shouted, "Here it comes!"

He no longer dodged, nor did he use his somewhat unfamiliar Tai Chi palms. He no longer relied on any fancy moves; he had been beaten enough. At this moment, he was filled with boundless resentment and wanted to vent it all out.

"Pai Yun Quan!" Ye Fan roared, a thunderous punch aimed at the ever-shifting phantom hand.

Only through the direct collision of power could Ye Fan completely vent the trace of sullenness in his heart.

Ye Fan no longer needed to consider Tie Guangtou's ever-changing moves at that moment. Any fancy moves under absolute power were nothing more than paper tigers. Before, Ye Fan had suffered losses because he was too careless. Although Tie Guangtou's power was indeed astonishing, it was far from reaching the point where Ye Fan would retreat.

Ye Fan had endured for too long, he didn't want to continue enduring any longer.

Seeing that Ye Fan actually dared to face him head-on, Tie Guangtou couldn't help but sneer. His junior brother had said that his most powerful technique was his legwork. Under his carefully designed fast attack, Ye Fan wouldn't even have a chance to use it. In this hasty situation, could the punches he threw compare to his Ghost Grasping Hand, which was already brimming with power

Tie Guangtou wanted to take this opportunity to thoroughly tear Ye Fan apart.

Then the strength in his hand suddenly increased by a few points.


The result of the two fists colliding was a bolt of lightning flashing across the sky.

Ye Fan let out a muffled groan, his body involuntarily taking several steps back before he managed to regain his balance. This bald man had actually managed to disrupt his Qi.

Ye Fan looked at Tie Guangtou again with a scrutinizing gaze, slowly adjusting his breath.

While Tie Guangtou's one hand was pressed against his back, unable to lift any further, his back was already covered in blood.

But his iron hand, had already become a blur.

Tie Guangtou's fear now was simply beyond description. He looked at Ye Fan in disbelief, his iron fist, which he had always been proud of, was shattered by him with absolute power.

"What kind of power could do this" Ironhead endured the immense pain shooting through his hand, gritting his teeth so hard he didn't even realize his lips were bleeding.

According to my junior brother, his legwork was amazing. I had pushed him to the point where he couldn't use it anymore, but I never expected his fist to be even more powerful. He actually shattered my iron fist with sheer force. You know, even if the會長 personally took action, I doubt they could achieve this.

Fortunately, I still have a life-saving trick up my sleeve.

A cruel, bloodthirsty smile curled up at Tie Guangtou's corner of his mouth. It was a twisted grin.

Ye Fan saw this smile and found it strange, so he asked, "Is there anything that makes you laugh"

Ironhead said, "Since you're about to die, isn't that something to be happy about So I informed, hehehe."

Ye Fan's brows involuntarily furrowed again, and he said, "If I'm not mistaken, your hand is already disabled, your color hand has been broken by me, what else do you have to fight me with"

Tie Guangtou burst into laughter and said, "To be honest with you, Tie Shou isn't actually the most powerful martial art. My most powerful martial art is"

Tie Guangtou deliberately dragged out his voice, intending to get Ye Fan's attention. As expected, when he heard this, Ye Fan couldn't help but lean forward, looking eager to hear more.

"That's my iron head skill, but you won't have a chance." Tie Guangtou finished speaking and flew towards Ye Fan.

His head was aimed at Ye Fan, moving with incredible speed, like a cannonball fired in fury.

A word to the reader:

There are still two more, just a little later, okay Meaning I'm still writing but ten o'clock is no problem. Maybe in the car this morning, the update will be around two o'clock. I'll send a WeChat notification to everyonearnestly and looked devoutly at the goddess in front of him. He took the initiative to apologize: "Teacher OT, I was wrong today.""Where did you go wrong" Li Xiangting snorted coldly."I shouldn't say...